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III International Contest  for Young Singers of Christmas Songs

On 7-11 January 2021, the III International Contest for Young Singers of Christmas Songs took place in Daugavpils. Around 2000 young people from 15 countries competed for the victory: USA, Bulgaria, Belarus, Georgia, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Ukraine.

The performance of the contestants was evaluated by eight vocal music experts - chairmen of the jury: Leonardo Sagliocca from Italy and Inessa Bodyako from Belarus and members of the jury: Edgars Znutins and Jelena Borele from Latvia, Marcin Tomczak from Poland, Sergey Savenko from Ukraine, Inna Shorohova and Larisa Yaruckaya from Russia.

As admirers of Christmas music did not have the opportunity to enjoy musical performances in person, the organizers of the competition provided an alternative - from January 7, anyone interested could watch the best performances of the contestants on the Youtube channel "Latvian Contests".

Contestants optionally performed the song in one or more categories: Traditional original Christmas song, Christmas folk song, Sacred composition of the Christmas time, Contemporary Christmas song.

The jury evaluated the performance of each participant based on the criteria included in the regulations and after several days of intensive work, the members of the jury have determined the winners of the competition.


Winners of the competition in the group of choirs / ensembles / duets:

Traditional original Christmas song – SKOWRONKI girls’ choir, leader Alicja Szeluga (Poznan, Poland)  

Christmas folk song – Female choir “Academia”, leader Evgeniya Dyga (Petrozavodsk, Russia)

Sacred composition of the Christmas time – The female choir of the St. Petersburg Musical College n.a. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, leader Sergey Yekimov, choirmaster Sabina Zhalmukhamedova (St.Petersburg, Russia)

Contemporary Christmas song – Chamber girls’ choir of Kyiv Secondary Specialized Music School n.a. Mykola Lysenko, leader Julia Puchko-Kolesnik (Kiev, Ukraine)


Winners of the competition in the group of soloists:

Traditional original Christmas song – Mariș-Hinsu Ioan-Florin, pedagogue Gabriela Mihaela Vescan (Beius, Rumania)

Christmas folk song – Teodora Miceska, pedagogue Ekaterina Mihelkis (Bitola, Macedonia)

Sacred composition of the Christmas time – Tatsiana Stupakova, pedagogue Olga Zhuravkova,   accompanist Alexandra Ulyakina (Mogilev, Belarus)

Contemporary Christmas song – Timofey Siakatsky, pedagogue Olga Zhuravkova,   accompanist Alexandra Ulyakina (Mogilev, Belarus)

All winners will receive diplomas and prizes, while the other participants will receive first, second and third degree diplomas or diplomas for participation, depending on the points obtained.

The choir leaders and pedagogues, as well as the best concertmasters received diplomas for high professional mastery:

Gabriela Mihaela Vescan (Beiuș, Rumania)

Ludmila Samarin (Soroca, Moldova)

Julia Puchko-Kolesnik, (Kiev, Ukraine)

Alicja Szeluga (Poznan, Poland)

Sergey Yekimov (St.Petersburg, Russia)

Rima Daugeliene (Kaunas, Lithuania)

Galina Vsesvjatska (Daugavpils, Latvia)

Yulia Trofimova (Mogilev, Belarus)

The jury members appreciated the participants' musical performances and their professional level, as well as provided positive feedback on the content of the competition.

The III International Contest for Young Singers of Christmas Songs was organized by Daugavpils City Council Department of Culture in cooperation with Daugavpils Unity House.

Additional information:

Jevgeņijs Ustinskovs

Artistic director of the contest, author of the project

Phone: +371 29538278



Daugavpils City Council Department of Culture

Phone: +371 65423601


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