4 Years Shmakovka Museum! Culture news

This year Daugavpils City is celebrating 745th anniversary. During a week of the city's birthday celebration, Shmakovka Museum is going to celebrate its 4-year anniversary. In honor of these two festive events museum’s admission fee on 6th and 7th June will be only 2.15 EUR. On these days, Shmakovka Museum is also going to amaze visitors with other pleasant surprises.
The Shmakovka Museum has been implemented under the “Museum Gateway” programme for cross-border cooperation between Latvia, Lithuania and Belarus with financial support of Daugavpils City Council. In June 2016 Shmakovka Museum was established and since that time has become a favorite tourist facility in Daugavpils for local residents and city guests.
Visitors of Shmakovka Museum can learn more about a process of shmakovka production with a help of the latest technologies, see genuine and impressive production equipment as well as discover Daugavpils and Latgale cultural history. It is also possible to buy souvenirs, obtain exploratory brochures and apply for a guided tour in the museum.
Opening hours of Shmakovka Museum until June 14 will be 11 am - 7 pm from Tuesday to Sunday. After June 14, the museum will be open every day 11 am – 7 pm.
Required pre-entry application for a visit by calling +371 26444810, +371 65422818, +371 25666201 or writing to e-mail info@smakovka.lv.
See you at Shmakovka Museum!
Publicitātes fotografiju autori: Šmakovkas muzejs un www.visitdaugavpils.lv