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Ceramic Art Symposium ‘LANDescape’ Culture news

Ceramic Art Symposium ‘LANDescape’

Daugavpils Clay Art Centre and Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre invite you to visit the

events of the 1st International Ceramic Art Symposium ‘LANDescape’ which will take place in

Daugavpils, Latvia from 12th till 25th of August, 2013.

The Symposium opening will take place on Monday, August 12th with the exhibition

“LANDescape. FOREWORD”. The exhibition will commemorate the great Latvian ceramic

artist Peteris Martinsons, who was the honorary participant of “LANDescape” symposium

and who passed away just shortly before the symposium.

Daugavpils Clay Art Centre, one of the most prominent organizations that actively promotes

ceramic art in Latvia by organizing exhibitions, workshops, festivals and symposiums, in

cooperation with newly opened Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, the unique place that

already became the most popular destination of cultural tourism in Eastern Europe, are

jointly implementing the 1st International Ceramic Art Symposium ‘LANDescape’- one of the

first symposiums within a framework of Residence Program of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art

Centre. Since Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre declared itself as a citadel of contemporary

art of North-East Europe the 1st International Ceramic Art Symposium 'LANDescape' claims

to turn into the most determinant annual event in a field of contemporary ceramics of the


The ‘LANDescape’ symposium will take place a month prior to the celebration of Rothko’s

110th anniversary and will introduce a number of exciting events including Mark Rothko Art

Residence in September, 2013. More than 25 celebrated contemporary ceramic artists from

13 countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia,

Romania, Ireland, Australia, and USA) will work together, present their creative work, deliver

theoretical lectures etc.

During symposium everyone is invited to participate in two opening ceremonies of

symposium’s exhibitions, to visit ceramic open-studios, to attend the lectures on

contemporary ceramics delivered by well-known ceramic artists and researchers (among

them Vasi Hirdo, the editor of the most prestigious European ceramic magazine ‘CERAMIC

NOW’), as well as to become a witness of a mysterious and unforgettable firing of huge

ceramic fire sculpture performed by outstanding Swedish artists Carina Cresta, Johan

Hellman and Katia Colt.

By joining the events of the symposium you will have a unique possibility to be among the

first witnesses of the latest and most actual processes in the field of contemporary art and

development contemporary ceramics “on the spot”.


The event is supported by ABLV Charitable Foundation, State Culture Capital Foundation,
and Latgale Region Development Agency
Waiting to see You,
LANDescape team
More information: Contact us: (+371) 20207533
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