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You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Culture news


You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Take this opportunity to practice your foreign languages with our volunteers! We propose 3 different conversation clubs:

      French conversation club on Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00.

      German conversation club on Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is Carnival (Fasching/Karneval : Feiern Sie Karneval in Lettland? Was wissen Sie über Fasching? Evtl. Präsentation)

      English conversation club on Thursday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is Carnival (How is Carnival celebrated in different countries? (Germany, Spain, Latvia… ) Do you like Carnival and dressing up? Do you stick to the fasting time afterwards?)

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