Exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing” Culture news

On 1st February at 12.00 in the exhibition hall of Daugavpils Regional and Art Museum will be opened exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing”. The exhibition will be devoted to in Latvia commonly found herbs which can be easily collected and used in yarn dyeing. There will be available informational material, dried herbs as well as samples of dyed yarn. In the exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing” prepared by the specialists of Natural History Museum of Latvia is united extensive information about natural science (botany) and old craftsmanship – the dyeing yarn with natural dyes. Material prepared about 28 herb species which are commonly found in Latvia. Since ancient times, people have been watching the natural tones and tried to reproduce them in their creations. Visitors will get information about old craftsmanship – dyeing yarn with natural dyes and look at the samples. Interactive games about herbs are prepared for the children. Special highlight of the exhibition – the folklore group "Savieši". Folk-songs will give an insight into the process of collecting and dyeing herbs in the past.
Exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing” will be open till 20th of March