Exhibition "Our works" takes place in the foyer of the second floor of Daugavpils City Council Culture news

On the 26th of September, a very special exhibition was opened in City Council. It is an exhibition of works of art studios ofDaugavpilsMental Hospital. After opening the exhibition, the first Vice-chairman of City Council Vitalijs Azarevičs admitted that sees very heartwarming works, and on behalf of City Council thanked all the authors. He emphasized that every citizen is important to municipality, and people with disabilities need additional care, so Daugavpils City Counci lwill always support such activities.
Vitalijs Azarevičs expressed gratitude to the hospital staff, as well as to the head of the studio - the artist Ivo Folkman.
Ivo Folkman told that he has been heading the studio for two years and noticed while working with them, how talented and special are these people. He is very pleased that these works can be seen by a lot of people, that through these activities hospital patients can speak to the public.
Head of Mental Hospital Sarmite Kikuste expressed satisfaction at the successful cooperation between the hospital and the Daugavpils City Council, thanked for dedicated to the exhibition space. She expressed gratitude to the staff of the hospital and all the authors of the works for such creative ideas and for the interesting artistic works.
The exhibition is a very important project, because it shows that these people are with us, they have their own ideas, talents, and they have something to say to the society, what they are doing through their works.
The exhibition is able to be seen in Daugavpils City Council until the 30th ot October.
Information prepared by Daugavpils City Council press-secretary Liga Korsaka.