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U.S. Army Europe Band & Chorus to Perform in Riga and Daugavpils Culture news

U.S. Army Europe Band & Chorus to Perform in Riga and Daugavpils

Riga, April 19, 2017 – The U.S. Army Europe Band & Chorus will perform free concerts in Daugavpils and Riga as part of their official visit to Latvia.

The first concert will take place at the Daugavpils Unity House on April 25 at 18:00. The second concert will be in Riga at the Large Guild, on April 26 at 19:00. Admission to both concerts is for free and open to the public.

The United States Army Europe Band & Chorus, under the command of MAJ Dwayne Milburn, is stationed in Sembach, Germany. The United States Army Europe (USAREUR) Band was originally activated in 1940. With its partner group, the USAREUR Soldiers' Chorus, it is currently the Army's third largest musical organization, and the Army's premier musical ambassadors in Europe.

The USAREUR Band is a versatile ensemble in great demand. Components include 65-piece concert and marching bands, a 35-piece ceremonial group, “USAREUR Standard” jazz combo, “Rhine River Ramblers” Dixieland band, “The Musik Brigade” modern brass rock band, and classical chamber ensembles. Members earn their positions by special audition and most have performed or taught professionally prior to their military service. Many musicians hold degrees in music from highly regarded universities and conservatories.


The USAREUR Soldiers’ Chorus is under the direction of 1LT Taylor Criswell. The Chorus was organized in 1963 to enhance troop morale through musical performances and quickly proved successful in advancing relations between the American community in Europe and its host nations. Unlike their band colleagues, the singers do not enter the military as musicians. They are selected through competitive auditions from other specialties in the Army, and receive intensive training in vocal, dance, and theatrical skills. The ensemble is one of four full-time choral groups in the Army. For more information about USAREUR Band, please visit:



Media representatives and photographs are welcome to attend the concert at the Daugavpils Unity House (Vienības nams, Rigas street 22) on April 25 at 18:00 and at the Large Guild, Amatu street 6) on April 26 at 19:00.


For more information, please, contact the Public Affairs Section  at the U.S. Embassy in Riga. Contact information is below:


For more information, please contact:

U.S. Embassy Riga, Public Affairs Section

Address: Samnera Velsa Str. 1 Riga, LV 1510, Latvia

Phone: 67107291; 27700416

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Raimonds Andzans

U.S. Embassy Riga

Samnera Velsa street 1,

Riga, LV 1510, Latvia

cell: +37127700416

office:  +371 67107291

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