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The Discharge-Recharge Wall Culture news

The Discharge-Recharge Wall

The Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre courtyard has been temporarily transformed with a Discharge-Recharge Wall – a custom-made site for an interactive self-performance open to anyone willing to join.

At this time of uncertainty, when phone and computer screens have replaced face-to-face encounters and on-site visits to museums and exhibition grounds remain a distant dream, emotions run high and may make us lash out at the few remaining people still around us.

Concerned for the mental state of its colleagues and the general public, the Rothko Centre team has prepared a targeted and controlled anger management tool – an interactive Discharge-Recharge Wall. With this new art site for interactive self-performance, the Rothko Centre celebrates its eighths birthday and heralds the Latvia Ceramics Biennale scheduled for the upcoming summer.

We all likely have chipped, unwanted, or downright irritating mugs, plates or other ceramic objects shoved away somewhere, gathering dust – things we’ve become bored with and would love to get rid of. Why not take these worthless objects, the proverbial ammunition in any domestic argument worth its salt, and put them to use by smashing against our Discharge-Recharge wall?  Thus, releasing our frustration, we can recharge for a new start, clear our shelves and minds, and channel away our anger in a controlled and targeted intervention.

Every new trace of discharge-recharge will add up to the previous evidence. Potentially, we should reach the Latvia Ceramics Biennale with a substantial pile of ceramic shards in the Rothko Centre courtyard. Everyone is free to add to the installation with their own act of discharge-recharge until October 2021. Kindly use only ceramic or porcelain objects and exercise caution – the discharge-recharge process may generate ceramic sparks, so let’s be mindful of ourselves and others.

Publicity photo:

Aivars Baranovskis


About the organiser:



Aivars Baranovskis

+371 65430273

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