209th Anniversary of Baptism by Fire of Daugavpils Fortress Culture news

On July 17, the Daugavpils Fortress will host an event dedicated to the 209th anniversary of the baptism by fire of the fortress.
It was 209 years ago when the unfinished Daugavpils (at that time Dinaburg) Fortress repelled the attack of the 2nd Corps of the Great Army under the command of Marshal Oudinot. In early July 1812, the brave garrison of the Dinaburg Fortress repelled an attack by the French troops trying to seize the fortifications.
From 10.00 am and throughout the day, until late in the evening, various activities will take place in the area of the Nicholas Gate. Visitors of the Fortress will be able to watch the ceremony of raising the flag of the fortress and opening the Nicholas Gate, the traditional cannon shot, representatives of military and civil reconstruction, as well as masterclasses of dance groups and military historical reconstruction clubs, and will have the opportunity to find something unique for themselves at the craftsmen market. A moment of remembrance will be held in the Commandant`s Garden of the Daugavpils Fortress to commemorate the soldiers and civilians killed in the 1812 war. The day will end with a fire show with pyrotechnic elements.
Please be reminded that visitors are responsible for their own and others' safety, must keep the distance, and we recommend using medical or hygienic masks.
Additional information:
Daugavpils Fortress Culture and Information Centre
Tel.: +371 65424043, +371 28686331