STEM Teachers Acquire Practical Skills in Person Education news

On October 8 and 9, 2021, STEM teacher training took place in person in Daugavpils University Life Sciences and Technology Laboratories. Thus, the online training was supplemented with in person classes organized in accordance with epidemiological conditions – the experimental and practical part in DU laboratories. The participants of the training were given an exclusive opportunity to indulge in research, conduct experiments, delve into the world of nanotechnology, as well as discuss business issues. Daugavpils University ensures the implementation of the further education training program by combining remote and in person classes.
In person training included study of aspects of the business environment, raising awareness of the importance and impact of nanotechnologies in everyday life, and there was the opportunity to put research skills into practice and improve teaching processes in STEM sciences.
Training aims to enrich teachers' knowledge, skills and competences in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and entrepreneurship by fostering acquisition of innovative knowledge and offering new learning tools, thereby providing research-based knowledge and strengthening teachers' ability to inspire, motivate and support young people to focus more on science and technology studies to reach their future goals and for the sustainable development of society. In total, four training cycles will be organized within the project. One cycle has already concluded, two are planned for next year. Teachers from all over Latvia participate in this training cycle. Participants will receive a certificate as a confirmation of the acquired topics.
Teacher training is implemented under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 program “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres” program project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils”, No. NFI/IC/VIAA/2020/4, Agreement No. 9.-
The aim of the project is to promote the development of knowledge and career choice of learners in the field of STEM and entrepreneurship by developing and implementing educational programs, interactive thematic classes, co-working spaces and other interactive activities for teachers and students. The lead partner of the project is Daugavpils City Council, while the cooperation partners are Daugavpils University and Trondheim Science Centre (Norway).
Liene Leikuma-Rimicāne,
Project expert in science and research
Daugavpils University
More information about the project:
Jolanta Ūzuliņa, Project Coordinator
Office of Strategic Planning and International Relations
at Daugavpils City Council Development Department