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Latvian Youth Winter Olympics in Ērgļi. Education news


For 19th time Latvian Youth Winter Olympics was held in Ērgļi from 8th till 9th of February. Each year it is organized by the Latvian Olympic Committee in cooperation with Ērgļi county council. In overall ranking of school teams winner isSecondary school ofAlūksnes County – they took home six gold and three silver medals. At least one medal in these competitions was won by 57 school teams.

33 pupils from eight city schools:Daugavpilsstate gymnasium,Daugavpilscentre secondary school, secondary schools №3, №9, №12, №13, №16 and elementary school №11, represented our city.

Fight spirit willingness to win demonstrated all our pupils, but especially good start and finish was for athletes of elementary school №11. They got two gold and one bronze medals and representative of secondary school №13 won one silver medal.

Congratulations to athletes who got gold medals in the discipline of biathlon relay, the team of elementary school №11: Jevgenijs Šunkovs, Aļona Deiko and Vadims Kaufmans! Congratulations to winners in discipline of biathlon sprint: gold medallist Jevgenijs Šunkovs (elementary school №11), silver medallist Ņikita Osipovs (secondary school №13) and bronze medallist Aļona Deiko (elementary school №11)!

Thanks to sport teachers Sergejs Vasiļjevs, Sergejs Smirnofs, Pjotrs Sardiko and Eduards Boltruks!


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