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Daugavpils University invites to a science night #iebrauc zinātnē (#drive into Daugavpils) Education news

Daugavpils University invites to a science night #iebrauc zinātnē (#drive into Daugavpils)

Continuing the theme #iebrauc Daugavpilī (#drive into Daugavpils) this Saturday, September 18, within the framework of the Rigas Street Festival, Daugavpils University offers the activity #iebrauc zinātnē (#grasp science – drive into science) with the aim to promote science and innovations in society, involving both children and young people and their parents to focus on complex scientific processes and explaining them in a way that is understandable and interesting to everyone.
Within the activity, several group classes will be offered, explaining the scientific processes in an interesting way – the duration of one class is about 30 min. Classes will be organized for different age groups – Soap Laboratory for the age group from 5 years, Eye Surgery for the age group from 10 years, and Colourful Chemistry for the age group from 14 years. Participants have to apply for the classes in advance by filling in the form and choosing the appropriate topic and time of the class.

At the Daugavpils University stand on Rigas Street, there will be science theatre and workshops. All who are curious, regardless of age, are invited to visit science theatre, which will explain complex biological processes in an interesting way, with a show in Latvian at 8.30 pm and in Russian at 9.30 pm.

Science night activities under the theme #iebrauc zinātnē are implemented within the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 program “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres” program project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils”, No. NFI/IC/VIAA/2020/4, Agreement No. 9.- This is one of the activities organized with the aim of promoting knowledge in the fields of STEM among children, young people, teachers and society in general, creating interest in science.



Additional information:

Liene Leikuma-Rimicāne,

Project Expert in Science and Research

Daugavpils University


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