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LOCAL SOLIDARITY = GLOBAL SOLIDARITY NETWORK 4th Network’s meeting is taking place in Veliko Tarnovo 11-14 JUNE 2019 City news

LOCAL SOLIDARITY = GLOBAL SOLIDARITY NETWORK 4th Network’s meeting is taking place in Veliko Tarnovo 11-14 JUNE 2019

The project is co-financed by the Europe for Citizens programme, and it aims to empower actors to get socially engaged for the sake of European solidarity and cooperation. The SOLID Network consists of 13 towns, regions and civil society organizations from all over the EU, FYROM and Serbia. The aim of the project is to implement new political tools that enable local communities to have an impact on the global and European solidarity in time of institutional and humanitarian crisis that different EU countries are currently facing.

From 11 to 14 of June 2019 the partner of the project – BCLL and Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo is hosting in Bulgaria Veliko Tarnovo the 4th SOLID international event which will bring together towns, regions and civil society groups from 12 countries that already belong to the Network, as well as local citizens. The local guests are welcome to join SOLID partners during two days of the Event – and they interacting with experts on local and European solidarity during the plenary session (June 12th, 10.00 -11.30) and participating in workshops in the afternoon (June 14th, 14:30-16:30).

Ms. Mihaela Manolova, Europe for Citizens Contact Point Bulgaria will be the keynote speaker of the morning session on 12th June.

For more information please visit:


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