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Blue Flags on the beaches of Lielais Stropu Lake City news

Blue Flags on the beaches of Lielais Stropu Lake

In the 2021 bathing season, two beaches in Daugavpils have retained the right to raise the Blue Flag – the most popular and recognized tourism eco-certificate in the world. From June 1, the Blue Flag is flying on the beach of Lielais Stropu Lake and the bathing site “Stropu vilnis”.

The introduction of the Blue Flag criteria provides a comprehensive methodology for management of bathing sites and coastal area that takes into account environmental and sustainable development factors, and pays great attention to maintaining environmental quality and protecting biodiversity, thus guaranteeing safe recreation in a clean environment. By engaging in the campaign, municipalities also commit to implement wider environmental information and education initiatives. In total, more than sixty different environmental education events take place in Latvia at the local level within the framework of the Blue Flag program.

The Blue Flag program in Latvia is implemented by the foundation “Vides izglītības fonds” within the project “Implementation of FEE International programs in Latvia in 2021”, which is implemented with the financial support of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Public Relations and Marketing Department of City Council.

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