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III International East Baltic Business Forum City news


170 participants from 9 countries are already registered at the III International East Baltic Business Forum! Most of them are entrepreneurs of Latgale region and Poland. From Poland there are represented cities and regions as Warsaw, Lodz, Malopoļska, Poznan, Sroda Wielkopolska, Kielce, Gorlice, Tychy, Nowe Skalmierzyce, Morag, Bialystok, Kłobuck, Pleszew, Olsztynek. Also our neighbors from Belarus (Vitebsk district) and Russia (Dubna, Pskov) are registered at the Forum.  

The organizers of the Forum - Daugavpils City Council, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Riga, Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, and Investment and Development Agency of Latvia – would like to introduce to the participants of the Forum the diversity of business possibilities in Daugavpils and Latgale region, as well as to stimulate cooperation between enterprises, benefiting from advantageous geographical position of Daugavpils City close to the border of Lithuania, Belarus and Russia.

Agenda of III International East Baltic Business Forum in Daugavpils will consist of plenary meeting, which will reflect the business environment and practical information on possibilities of entrepreneurial cooperation. During the business contact market entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to communicate in free form with representatives of their industry, by sharing information about their companies. The Forum's focus is on sectors such as Food production, Metal-processing, Logistics and Tourism. We kindly invite the representatives of other sectors too! The participants of the Forum will be offered the opportunity to become acquainted with the Daugavpils major investment projects.

At the end of the day participants of the Forum will be able to participate at the grand opening of Nicholas Gate of Daugavpils Fortress. In addition, on the May 17 participants will have the opportunity to visit Daugavpils tourism objects, including Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, as well as to become acquainted with Daugavpils multicultural identity and rich cultural heritage. 

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