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The youth exchange project „EUROVISION – Youth Performance” is over City news


Society „ERFOLG” together with societies Ida-Virumaa noorte sakslaste uhing from Estonia, Stowarzyszenie Młodzieżowych Inicjatyw Twórczych “CREATOR” from Poland and Youth Access Association from Turkey with the support of „Youth in action” program realised youth exchange project „EUROVISION – Youth Performance”. In this project participated 21 young people, who had an opportunity to get acquainted with the theatre art, and also find out about the EU strategy 2020.

The name of the project -„EUROVISION – Youth Performance” – tells about main goals of the project itself. The main idea of the project was to give youngsters knowledge about the theatre art, mostly about happenings and performances, and also about EU strategy 2020 – especially about young people’s role in it to fulfil this strategy, and about European citizenship. The main goal of this project was the preparation and realisation of happenings and performance in Daugavpils city centre. But the main idea of these theatrical plays was to show the youth in 2020.

During the project there were intercultural evenings, where project participants could get acquainted with Latvian, Polish, Estonian and Turkish cultures. Each country’s members had to present their country and its traditions – food, dances, songs etc.

But in days there were a lot of practical acquaintances with performances and happenings, discussions about European citizenship and EU strategy 2020 – what is the role of young people to fulfil it, information about Youthpass, visiting Daugavpils cultural-historical objects, and other creative group works.

As it was mentioned previously, the main goal of this project was the preparation and realisation of happenings and performance in Daugavpils city centre. One day was dedicated to happenings. As one of the EU strategy 2020 goals is popularization of non-formal education, participants realised happenings exactly about this subject, and everyone could participate in it. Another day was dedicated to performances. In discussions young people found out, that one of the most important EU strategy 2020 goals, which is very connected with youth is unemployment among youngsters. This was the reason participants prepared performance, where each had a specific profession.

In the end of the project it was clear that all project goals were fulfilled: young people got acquainted with the theatre art, realised performances and happenings, found out about EU strategy 2020 and what is the role of youngsters in it, but during intercultural evenings participants found out about Latvian, Polish, Estonian and Turkish cultures and traditions, had a great time spent together and made new friends.

Participants’ impressions about our city and project:

Irina (Daugavpils)

“Such projects are very needed for the development of active youth. After communication with other participants I discovered a lot of interesting information about the mentality of each country. And of course, other participants could find out more about Latvians”.

Justyna (Poland, Gdansk)

“I really liked this city, it is much smaller then my, that is why it is quieter and cozy.  I am happy that in this city there are a lot of active and sportive organizations, because myself I am engaged in sport very much.”

Okan and Sila (Turkey)

“This is a very unusual city because with comparison to our city, Daugavpils seems much comfortable. In our city there are lots of noise and tourists, and mostly tourism infrastructures work non-stop. In Daugavpils it is really quiet and little people”.

Vladislav (Estonia)

“This is the second time I am in Daugavpils and I can surely say that positive changes are felt in this city”.

After the interview all the participants expressed the excitement to come back again and visit this city, and also have a chance to participate in another projects.

Prepared: Inese Āboliņa


Biedrība «Erfolg»
Cietokšņa 44, Daugavpils,
LV-5401, Latvija
Tel: 65420019, 20371892.

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