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At the Heating Plant № 1 mounted a new heating boiler City news


Board Member of municipal Joint Stock Company “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli” Māris Laudiņš informs that at the Heating Plant № 1 a new, produced in a Russian –Germanyjoint company “Wolf Energy Solutions”, heating boiler with installed capacity 15 MW were installed and put into operation.

New boiler is placed instead of old water boiler „Babkok-Vilkoks” which was produced in the 1939 and reconstructed in the 1982. New boiler has high efficiency – 95% and in nearest 10 – 20 years it will allow Thermal Electro Station-1 not to worry about quality heat production.

Costs of new boiler installation were 215000 Ls (without VAT). Municipal JSC “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli” implemented this at their own expense.

Installation of new boiler will allow increasing efficiency of heat production and decrease heat production costs, as well as increasing safety of the heat supply in the city.

Administration of municipal Joint Stock Company “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli”

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