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The New Year performance from Saint Petersburg and Christmas gifts for small citizens of Daugavpils. City news


On the 20th of December Daugavpils Palace of Culture hosted a Christmas tree, organized jointly by Daugavpils City Council and the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Daugavpils. This event took place in the framework of the program by government of St. Petersburg "Compatriots". Miraculous, funny and instructive Russian New Year's fairy tale "Morozko" was performed by artists of St. Petersburg Theater for the little citizens of Daugavpils. According to General Consul of Russia in Daugavpils Oleg Rybakov, this holiday is an example of good cooperation and continuation of a long tradition of organizing joint activities with City Council. All invited to the party kids got sweets, besides, they were brought from Russia with a reserve, and after the event the staff of the Consulate General will deliver the gifts to children's institutions of Daugavpils.

"Performance and gifts for young viewers of Daugavpils is a perfect example of amicable relations between Daugavpils and St. Petersburg" - said Daugavpils City Council first vice-chairman Vitālijs Azarevičs, who attended the event. He expressed gratitude to the Government of St. Petersburg, to the artists, to the general consulate of Russian Federation for organizing such a wonderful party for the children of Daugavpils.

Performance of "Morozko" and a Christmas tree with Santa Claus at the Palace of Culture of Daugavpils perfectly fit into the overall series of festive Christmas and New Year events in the city.

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