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Local government and metalworkers of Daugavpils will take part in Tech Industry exhibition in Riga for the third time. City news


The international exhibition of materials and technologies for industrial production, mechanical engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, electrical engineering, supplies, tools and innovative technologies Tech Industry 2012, the year’s biggest event for industrial production in the Baltic Region, takes place at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia from 29 November to 1 December. Daugavpils City Council will participate in the exhibition for the third time with 6 city enterprises in the industry of metalworking. Our municipality is the only one of all those participating in this prestigious international event.

City Council acts as the sponsor by paying for common Daugavpils Metalworkers exhibition stand, as well as the coordinator and organizer of the trip. As was told by the head of Business Development Department of Daugavpils City Council Vladimir Nadeždin, the exhibition Tech Industry-2012 this year will involve six of 14 companies of metalworking. He noted that if at first, three years ago, the popularity of business structures’ participating in this exhibition was low and the organizers had to persuade entrepreneurs to go there with their expositions, this year the activity is quite high. Appreciating the contribution of government in the organization and financing the Daugavpils enterprises’ stand, our businessmen are taking their products and services at the exhibition quite willingly. The Tech Industry-2012 will bring together large and medium-sized enterprises of Daugavpils: joint-stock company  „Locomotive repair plant” and joint-stock company  „Ditton driving chains plant”, SIA "Zieglera mašīnbūve", SIA "VMD 2", SIA "Lia-D", SIA "Plastmet".

The exhibition continues until the 1st of December, 2012

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