U.S. Ambassador to Visit Daugavpils City news
18.04.2018, 00:00
Riga, April 18, 2018 – U.S. Ambassador Nancy Pettit will make an official visit to Daugavpils on April 19-20. During her visit, Ambassador Pettit will meet with Mayor Rihards Eigims and City Council officials, as well as local NGO, business representatives and exchange students. She will also attend the five-year anniversary event of the Mark Rothko Art Center.
For further information, please contact:
U.S. Embassy Riga, Public Affairs Section
Address: Samnera Velsa Str. 1 Rīga, LV 1510, Latvia
Phone: 20213169
Media inquiries: GildejevaKX@state.gov
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