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Tourism industry in Daugavpils continued its dynamic development in 2017 City news


Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency has compiled data on the number of visitors in Daugavpils tourist attractions for the tourism season 2017. The analysis of the data revealed that the total number of visitors to Daugavpils tourist attractions, cultural and recreational establishments was 508 477 together. The total number of visitors to the Daugavpils tourist attractions was 257 661. The greatest number of the tourist flow was identified in the 3rd quarter of 2017, June and July, traditionally, were the most visited months.

In 2017 domestic visitors constituted 89%, while foreign visitors - 11% of the total incoming Daugavpils visitors. The highest number of foreign visitors was registered from Lithuania (3,6%), Russia (1,2%), Poland (1,2%), Germany (0,9%) and Belarus (0.9%). Daugavpils was chosen as a travel destination by visitors from countries like Great Britain (0,5%), Estonia (0,5%), the United States (0,3%), Sweden (0,2%), Finland (0,1%), Norway (0,1%) and other countries (1,3%). In fact, the number of travellers from Russia, Poland, Belarus, Finland and Sweden has increased slightly. Besides, foreign visitors were also registered from countries such as Argentina, Australia, Japan, South Korea, China, Canada, India, Brazil, Tajikistan, New Zealand, Colombia, Egypt, Vietnam, Iran, Moldova, Lebanon and others.

Latest data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau shows that 53 898 visitors stayed at Daugavpils tourist accommodations in 2017, which is by 27% more than in the previous year. Moreover, the number of nights spent by visitors increased by 35%, reaching 83 350. Over 2017, 22 247 foreign visitors were hosted, which is by 33% more than during the respective period of the previous year, whereas the number of nights spent by those people increased by 27 %, reaching 33 927.

Tourism offer has greatly expanded with new tourist attraction and leisure-related infrastructure in Daugavpils. Some examples are as follows: Museum of the First World War, “Emma art” Art Space, “Daugavpils Tarzāns” Adventure Park and “Doordom” Quest Room. A new sightseeing tour "Daugavpils through a tram window" was created for the travellers. What’s more, a viewing platform was opened in Daugavpils Martins Luther's Cathedral. The range of active leisure offers has expanded in Daugavpils too. For example, bicycle rental, SOT kayak rental and "SUPup" water supply equipment rental is available for outdoor activities. The new “Sanmari” Recreation Complex, as well as new dining establishments and accommodation were opened in the city.

Last but not least is the fact that the updated version of the tourism website www.visitdaugavpils.lv that provides comprehensive information on tourism and recreation facilities in Daugavpils and Daugavpils district in Latvian, Russian and English commenced work in the second half of 2017.


Information prepared by:

Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency

Phone: +371 65422818; +371 26444810

E-mail: turisms@daugavpils.lv  

Web: http://www.visitdaugavpils.lv




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