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New video about Daugavpils within the project “Get into the swing of the City! City news


The creative team of the project “Gen-Y City”, in cooperation with external experts, has launched a video of the project "Get into the swing of the city!" at, which reflects the examples of good practice in Daugavpils, as well as the creative potential of the city. The video shows the diversity of Daugavpils, the fact that there are representatives of many nationalities and everyone speaks in their own language (video – in Latvian, Latgalian, Russian and Polish), but this does not prevent them from understanding each other and working together to make Daugavpils a place where they want to live, learn and work, as well as develop their selves creatively. Conversations AT the table symbolize the exchange of formal ideas, while the activities ON the table show how creatively the ideas are generated in our heads.

Special thanks to: "Studija 3KM", "Imbir Cafe", "Daugavpils Theater", "Stop Time Dance Studio" and everyone who helped, supported, believed and daily makes the city of Daugavpils better!

The project „Get into the swing of the City!” (Gen-Y City) is being implemented within the framework of the programme URBACT III. The main idea of the project is to preserve, attract and develop creative competences of the inhabitants of Daugavpils. The diversity of the educational system, creative basis and artistic atmosphere, which prevails in the city, are contributing factors to the development of Generation Y in Daugavpils. The city strives to be oriented towards the promotion of creative business, as well as tries to attract talented and creative people to stay and develop in the city of Daugavpils.

The project "Get into the swing of the city" (Gen-Y City) is financed under the ERDF URBACT III programme


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