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Daugavpils City Council Receives Top Global Energy Management Award City news


The city of Daugavpils is the second largest city in Latvia with population of over 94,500. It is located in the southeast of Latvia close to the borders with Lithuania and Belarus. Daugavpils City Council received a 2017 Energy Management Insight Award from the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), a high-level global forum that promotes policies and programs to advance clean energy. Daugavpils City Council earned the award for producing a high-quality case study to share insights on the process and benefits of setting up an energy management system certified to the global ISO 50001 standard. The award will be formally announced at the annual CEM meeting in Beijing, China on 8 June 2017.

“Implementation of ISO 500001 in our municipality is a message to our inhabitants that the local government cares about their well-being and the environment. It also gives a positive example to others to make an efficient use of energy an integral part of their daily life.”

—Jānis Lāčplēsis, Mayor of the city of Daugavpils


This award is part of the CEM Energy Management Leadership Award program, managed by CEM’s Energy Management Working Group (EMWG), which includes representatives from Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, the European Commission, Finland, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and the United States. To enter the awards program, Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with SIA “Ekodoma” developed and submitted a detailed case study describing its experiences and results using ISO 50001 at public buildings, public street lighting system and public transport. This award-winning case study is available on the CEM website as an inspiration and resource for other organizations interested in achieving significant and enduring energy and cost savings.


In the case study, Daugavpils City Council describes key aspects of its ISO 50001-certified energy management system and identifies resulting benefits, including the following:

  • Energy review and planning;
  • annual energy cost savings and payback period;
  • Improvement in energy performance & result validation;
  • Operational control;
  • Development and communications;
  • Tools and resources;
  • other benefit for municipality, employees, productivity, etc.

The ISO 50001 standard is a framework to help companies manage and continually improve their energy performance and realize cost and emission reductions. Regardless of a company’s starting point, size, or sector, this framework helps achieve energy and cost savings year after year. ISO 50001 is a product of international collaboration, drawing on best practices from over 50 countries and demonstrating impressive savings among organizations worldwide. The standard is proven to be business-friendly, globally relevant, and transformational, as it embeds best practices into any organization and provides a global benchmark for climate and clean energy action.


Information prepared by

Helen Trošimova,
Daugavpils City Council Development Department
Spatial Planner of Strategic Planning and International Relations Department
Phone: +371 654 76066; Email:

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