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Daugavpils fortress wins 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence City news


Daugavpils fortress is proud to share the news about receiving a 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence which is one of the most important criteria defining the travelers’ choice in visiting the tourist attractions and is also an internationally recognised mark of a tourism business excellence. According to the visitor feedback on TripAdvisor, Daugavpils fortress is among the Top 10 best tourist objects in Daugavpils ad holds the second place in the ranking. Besides, 85% of travelers were satisfied with their visit of the Fortress and left positive feedback. One of the travelers from St. Petersburg, speaking about his impressions received during the visit, noticed that Fortress is a ‘heart’ of the city of Daugavpils and amazes not only with its architecture and history but also with versatility. Most travelers would recommend the Daugavpils fortress for a visit for both the cognitive-educational and entertainment purposes and would definitely come back.

Jānis Ostrovskis, a head of the Daugavpils fortress said: “This is a strong testimonial of our continuous strive to achieve tourist satisfaction and high reputation. We are extremely proud of this achievement and are delighted that we have been recognised by Trip Advisor”.

 In fact, TripAdvisor claims to be the largest travel site in the world, enabling travelers to plan and book their unforgettable trip. It should be mentioned that TripAdvisor is a noticeable motivator for choosing the tourist sites for a visit allowing holidaymakers to find a feedback and get an advice about the cities and popular sights around the world from the million travelers. TripAdvisor is the largest travel community in the world providing reviews of travel-related content, offering up to 350 million feedbacks and covering 6.5 million travel related businesses. Consequently, tourism destination which is awarded with a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence is consistently receiving strong praise and high rating from the travelers, as well as delivers a quality customer service. As a result, Daugavpils fortress becomes recognizable amongst the other tourist destinations and the number of people browsing the fortress related information increases. Therefore, it means that the number of visitors to the Daugavpils fortress will rise significantly in a nearest future.


Information written by:

Karolina Dedele, Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency, customer service representative of the Daugavpils fortress Culture and Information centre.


Additional information on:, phone: 65424043; 28686331.

Facebook: Daugavpils.cietoksnis

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