Call for LATVIAN participants for participation in youth exchange City news
07.09.2015, 00:00
“CHANGE YOUR HABITS” in TURKEY from 10 to 17th of October 2015.
Youth exchange will be organized in city Sivas. Participate can youth from Latvia in age from 18 – 25 years old. In project will participate 30 youth. Partner countries will be Spain, Poland, Italy, Latvia and Turkey. To participate in a project you must fill application form. .For more detailed information please contact:
Natālija Polovaja
projektu vadītāja asistente biedrībā „ERFOLG”
project manager assistant in Society “ERFOLG”
Cietokšņa iela 44
Daugavpils, Latvija, LV 5401
tel: +37120371892, +371 65420019