The last meeting in 2018 of EU project WIR was held in Finland City news

Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with Vanersborg municipality (Vänersborgs kommun) in Sweden (lead partner) implements project WIR within the framework of European Union Programme “Europe for Citizens”, 2nd activity “Democratic engagement and civic participation”. The project involves 10 partners from 7 countries – Sweden, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Finland and Latvia. Specific goal of the project is to understand the policies and strategy developed by the EU and the welcoming and integrating procedures implemented in the different member states, in order to eliminate stereotypes and misguided narratives about refugees.
From December 11th to 14th 2018 meeting was held within the framework of the present project in Seinajoki, Finland where Daugavpils City Council participated as well. During this event integration process of refugee unaccompanied minors was discussed. In the meeting there were both - international participants and local residents.
Civic participation, cooperation and integration of immigrants is topical for all countries and cities that participate in the project – every partner presented situation in their country. Project partners had an opportunity to become acquainted with the experience of integration processes in participants’ countries. Hosting organization Etelä-Pohjanmaan Nuorisoseura/ South Ostrobothnia Youth Association introduced their activities in Seinajoki, there was also an opportunity to meet guardians of unaccompanied minors. Different workshops and discussions where organized on the topic of integration process of unaccompanied minors.
Project is financed by European Union program “Europe for Citizens”. Term of implementation: 16.10.2017. – 15.10.2019. Meeting in Daugavpils, within the project, will be held in March, 2019, when coordinators of participating countries will arrive for evaluation meeting.
Informāciju sagatavoja J.Reča-Lāže