On September 21, the results of the competition-show “The Best Building of 2020 in Latvia” were announced live on the Internet. Among the winners are also three objects submitted by Daugavpils: Stropu promenade, two-level overpass on Smiltenes Street and the new section of tramline 18. Novembra Street - Stropi.
Daugavpils municipality had nominated 6 objects for participation in the prestigious competition “The Best Building of 2020”: building complex of Daugavpils Design and Art Secondary School “Saules skola” fought for victory in various nominations, reconstruction of Rigas Street from Cietokšņa to Ģimnāzijas Street, reconstruction of Bruģu Street in the section from 18. Novembra to Ūdensvada Street and reconstruction of Dzirnavu Street in the section from Vidus Street to Bruģu Street, two-level overpass on Smiltenes Street, new tramline in the section from 18. Novembra Street to Stropi village, and promenade in Jaunie Stropi and improvement of the beach area.
The objects were evaluated in eight nominations: new residential building, new public building, industrial premises, reconstruction, restoration, engineering construction, landscape, wooden construction and BIM object.
The promenade and beach area in Jaunie Stropi were ranked third place in the nomination “Landscape”, while the two-level overpass on Smiltenes Street and a new tramline in the section from 18. Novembra Street to Stropi village won recognition in the nomination “Engineering”.
Along with the prizes, all the winners received the yearbook “The Best Building of 2020 in Latvia”, which contains information and pictures of all the objects submitted for the 2020 competition-show, as well as the best works of the young artists' competition.
The video of announcing the results will be available on the website of the Latvian Association of Civil Engineers (LBS) with the initial live link:
The organizers of the show are the Latvian Builders Association and the Latvian Association of Civil Engineers in cooperation with 15 non-governmental organizations in the construction industry, the State Construction Control Bureau, SJSC Valsts nekustamie īpašumi, the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, Riga Technical University, Latvia University of Agriculture, RISEBA FAD and the industry magazine Būvinženieris.
Photos of the best buildings of the year are available here.
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