Media literacy and civil journalism “Media Lab/Radio” City news

LCB USA Information Center, in cooperation with U.S. Embassy Riga and NGO New East, are organizing educational program about media literacy and civil journalism “Media Lab/Radio”. This season will be organized jointly with Latvijas Radio as part of its 95th anniversary.
The goal of Media Lab hackathon in Daugavpils is to unite active teenagers from all Latgale who are interested in media literacy and media content creation. The program will unite 15 teams of 3 people (age 14-19) for the kick-off event – Media Literacy and Radio Journalism Hackathon of Ideas on September 8-9, 2020, where they will learn skills necessary for analysis and creation of media content, supported by mentors from Latvia and United States, from the fields of journalism, marketing, communication and technology, as well as present an idea of a pilot project of a radio show for youth. At the end of the Hackathon, the three best pilot project ideas will be determined, and the winning teams will be invited to the final event in Riga to polish their new media skills with mentors from Baltic Center for Media Excellence and Latvijas Radio, and determine the ultimate winner of the competition, who will get the main prize – radio studio equipment for their school.
Registration is required! Participation in the program is free. It is necessary to submit an application from the team until September 4, 2020. The application must specify the coordinating teacher. Teachers during the hackathon will also participate in the educational program, focused on countering disinformation and learning about the opportunities provided by modern media (the program for teachers will be in Latvian).
The organizers cover all participants' accommodation in the hotel "Latgola", as well as meals and teaching materials. Students have to cover transportation costs to and from the venue of the event (Daugavpils).
Project supported by U.S. Embassy in Riga, Latvijas Radio, Latvijas Radio Latgales Studija, Baltic Centre for Media Excellence, IREX, Start Strong.
During the event, photos and videos will be taken.
The event is organized in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 360, adopted 9 June 2020 Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection.
More information:
Diana Celitane, USA Information Center in Daugavpils coordinator
6 54 22483,
Joren Dobkiewicz, New East
+371 20133020