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European Researchers` Night events in Daugavpils University City news

European Researchers` Night events in Daugavpils University

The events of European Researchers` Night will be held in Daugavpils University on September 30 from 5.00 pm until 9.00 pm.

The European Researchers` Night is an event initiated by the European Commission, which takes place every year on the last Friday of September, explaining the achievements of science in an engaging way and allowing anyone who is interested to look into the secrets of the work of scientific laboratories.

This event is organized in all countries of the European Union to popularize research and innovation activities, to promote understanding about the work of scientists and researchers and its impact on our daily lives, as well as to encourage young people to choose a career as a scientist.

This year, Daugavpils University offers a wide range of activities. Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in interactive classes, creative workshops, demonstrations, intellectual games, listen to concerts, do real experiments, getting familiar with all the branches of science represented at Daugavpils University.

The topic of the Researchers` Night this year is “Culture of innovation and creative leadership”. The event is organized within the framework of the project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils” (project No. NFI/IC/VIAA/2020/4, Agreement No. 9.-, under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 program “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres”. The activity of the project was developed through the cooperation of Daugavpils University, Daugavpils City Municipality and Trondheim Science Centre in Norway.

Program of European Researcher`s Night in Daugavpils University.

(Program can be updated.)

Program of European Researchers` Night in Latvia.

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, please be informed that the event of the European Researchers` Night will be photographed and filmed. Photo and video materials can be used for publicity purposes on the event organizers' websites, social media accounts, etc. By attending the European Researchers` Night, you give consent to be photographed and filmed during the event and publication of recorded materials for publicity purposes.

Additional information:

Science Department of Daugavpils University

Tel. 65425452,

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