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Daugavpils and Krāslava create a new joint tourism product City news

Daugavpils and Krāslava create a new joint tourism product

Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency and Krāslava District Council Tourism Information Centre, despite the global challenges related to COVID-19, are actively preparing for the new tourist season.

It goes without saying that when the tourist season comes, we want to please tourists and local residents with new tourism products. For this purpose, a working meeting of the representatives of the above-mentioned institutions took place on February 24 in Krāslava.

Opportunities for cooperation were discussed and it was decided to create a joint tourism product by the beginning of the new tourism season - the route “Daugava unites” under the motto “Unforgettable recreation on the banks of the Daugava”. It is planned that the route will include the most important tourism objects of Daugavpils, Daugavpils district and Krāslava district, including opportunities for active recreation, accommodation, catering and places where it is possible to taste Latgale culinary heritage dishes, etc.

The new tourist route will also be interesting because travellers will be issued a tourist passport, in which entries will be made when visiting the objects included in the route. At the end of the season, travellers will have the opportunity to participate in a prize draw. The prizes will depend on the number of entries in the tourist passport.



Information prepared by:
Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency

phone: +371 65422818; +371 26444810







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