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Daugavpils tourism offer will be promoted at the international tourism matchmaking “ITB Berlin NOW” City news

Daugavpils tourism offer will be promoted at the international tourism matchmaking “ITB Berlin NOW”

From March 9 to 12, Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency, represented by Vitālijs Petkuns, Senior Customer Service Specialist at Daugavpils Fortress Culture and Information Centre, Viktors Andruškevičs, Senior Visitor`s Centre Specialist at Šmakovka Museum, and Karolina Dedele, Consultant at Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre, in cooperation with Aivars Baranovskis, a representative of the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, and Vladislavs Ivanovs, a representative of the Daugavpils Regional Studies and Art Museum, will participate in one of this year's most important international tourism matchmaking events “ITB Berlin NOW”. It will bring together representatives of the tourism industry from different countries, journalists and travel bloggers who are looking for new and undiscovered travel destinations.

“ITB Berlin NOW” is a B2B event, this year organized in place of the annual tourism exhibition “ITB Berlin”, which was cancelled due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the world. The International Tourism Exhibition “ITB” is one of the largest tourism forums that has taken place since 1966. The theme of the exhibition covers the entire tourism industry.

Tourism companies participating in the “ITB Berlin NOW” event will be able to present themselves using the so-called Brand Cards. Brand cards are designed as a company profile, which provides information about the tourism services provided. The Daugavpils city brand card has also been created on the matchmaking platform, which includes information about the diverse tourism offer of Daugavpils city, tourism objects and tours. During the 4 days of the event, tourism professionals from different countries will be able to get to know Daugavpils as an attractive tourism destination, while representatives of Daugavpils tourism institutions will be able to promote their services by meeting with tourism representatives from different countries in a virtual environment. Participants will be invited to get acquainted with tourism objects and services in order to include the city of Daugavpils in their tourism offer and, in the future, to professionally organize and manage trips for various types of tourist groups to Daugavpils.

The participation of Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency in the exhibition is ensured by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund project “Promotion of International Competitiveness in Tourism” (project identification number


Information prepared by:
Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency

phone: +371 65422818; +371 26444810




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