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New visual identity of Daugavpils Innovation Centre City news

New visual identity of Daugavpils Innovation Centre

A brand and logo have been developed for the Daugavpils Innovation Centre. At the basis of the logo there is a sphere. The main value of the brand is inclusion – in nature, science, society, relationships and even at the level of personality dimensions. The sphere of planet Earth includes nature and human being; every human is given the opportunity to include the sphere of science in his or her life; the sphere of science tends to include processes that would otherwise seem mystical to people. By understanding and comprehending the processes, one can build an inclusive society, which, in turn, can include more sustainability in its future path.

A new website, expositions, training and other innovative activities are being developed for the centre.

The brand of the Daugavpils Innovation Centre has been developed within the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2020 program “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres” project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils”, No NFI/IC/VIAA/2020/4, Contract No.9.-

The aim of the project is to promote the development of knowledge and career choice of learners in the field of STEM (sciencetechnologyengineering, and mathematics) and entrepreneurship by developing and implementing educational programs, interactive thematic classes, co-working spaces and other interactive activities for teachers and students. The lead partner of the project is Daugavpils City Municipality, while the cooperation partners are Daugavpils University and Trondheim Science Centre (Norway).


The outline of the brand guidelines is available here:

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