Daugavpils Innovation Centre undergoes innovative changes, which will promote education, business and career development in the field of STEM City news

Based on the agreement concluded in the summer between Daugavpils City Council and the State Education Development Agency on the implementation of the project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils City” within the European Economic Area and Norway financial instruments 2014-2021 programme “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres”, Daugavpils City Council has started work on the project implementation.
The aim of the project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils City” is to improve knowledge development and promote career education choice in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and entrepreneurship offering new educational and learning programs to teachers, pupils and young people as well as to enhance the accessibility to STEM communication tools and research-based knowledge by strengthening the capacity of Daugavpils Innovation Centre.
Daugavpils Innovation Centre will focus on entrepreneurial side of STEM, with special focus on how young people can develop careers in the sector.
The main activities of the project: educational activities, partnership activities, creation of thematic expositions and purchase of equipment, interactive thematic and outdoor activities. The project activities will be implemented in close cooperation with the project partners – Trondheim Science Centre (Norway) and Daugavpils University. Within the project, project partners will develop and implement educational programs for students and teachers, organize experience exchange visits and seminars. The Innovation Centre will offer pupils and students interactive thematic activities in the field of STEM and entrepreneurship, organize workshops, co-creative spaces, public and outdoor events that promote science, curiosity and creativity of the society.
An interactive environment and new skills and knowledge acquisition opportunities will be created in Daugavpils not only for pupils and students, but also for education specialists, developing their competencies and knowledge in the field of STEM sciences to increase curiosity about entrepreneurship and career choices in the abovementioned fields.
The project will be implemented in the existing building of Daugavpils Innovation Centre, where the energy efficiency improvement project has already started.
Project implementation period: 36 months.
Total project costs: 2,011,605 EUR, of which 90% grant financing – 1,810,444 EUR, Daugavpils municipality co-financing 10% – 201,161 EUR.
The project will result in promotion of the development of regional knowledge in the field of STEM. Within the framework of the project, it is planned that at least 230 students and 57 teachers will be directly involved in the educational programs and workshops organized by Daugavpils Innovation Centre, as well as a large number of population will be reached in Daugavpils, Latgale region, Latvia and abroad.
The information was summarized by the project coordinator Jolanta Ūzuliņa