Daugavpils will have a new tourism product City news

At the meeting of the Development Committee, the members of the City Council considered the issue of new binding regulations – Binding regulations on the use of specialized tourist vehicles in Daugavpils determine the procedure for registering such vehicles, approving routes and ensuring control over the technical condition of vehicles.
Specialized vehicles will be registered and maintained by the Tourism Development and Information Agency, and the routes will be considered and approved by the Transport Commission of the City Council.
A proposal was received in the grant program “Impulss” to transport tourists around the city and use transport for excursions. The Grant Competition Commission supported the project, but binding regulations had to be adopted to implement this interesting idea. Until now, there was no such service in Daugavpils, but the practice of other municipalities shows that such a service is in demand.
The final decision will be made at the meeting of the City Council.
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