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Capacity Lab > Communication is [not]Everything: why coms strategy matters every day City news

Capacity Lab > Communication is [not]Everything: why coms strategy matters every day

New East continues to develop itself, team skills, and strengthen the civil society around it. We are launching a series of lectures in the Learn-Share-Do format of Capacity Lab.

The first lecture will be devoted to the topic of strategic communication as an outreach tool "Communication is [not]Everything: why coms strategy matters every day" by communication specialist Zoriana Yuzvin (Ukraine)

Zoriana Yuzvin currently works as a Communication Manager at educational organization Teach for Ukraine.

Diligently passed through various communication positions: analytical journalism, branding freelance project in Forbes, SMM or PR manager to the head of communications of the cultural festival “Yi”, and the communication coordinator of the vaccination campaign at UNICEF and the Ministry of Health in Ukraine. She has also worked as an intern of communications for such organizations as Office of the Vice-Prime Minister for European Integration (Ukraine), Transparency International Ukraine, and VoxUkraine.

The lecture "Communication is [not]Everything: why coms strategy matters every day" will be relevant for local communities, media, cultural, educational projects, and startups. We will help to understand and get into strategic communication mindset with daily tools, practices and examples to achieve outreach goals.

The lecture is part of the New East Capacity Building program, supported by the Active Citizens Fund, as part of an effort to create an educational program for New East community members and develop a civic community in the region.

Capacity Lab educational program will be held in Daugavpils on July 29, 2022 at 17:30 at Raiņa 69

Entrance to the event is free, the lecture will be held in English.

Registration is open until July 27 (17:00)


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