City news

Information has been updated at 29.08.2018, 16:38

On the18th of November  Daugavpils public transport will run free, and on the 19th of November with 50% discount

In order to ease the  citizens' reaching the places of festvie events, dedicated to the 94th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Latvia, Daugavpils City Council decided to provide discount fares in public transport during holidays.

On the 18th of November  Daugavpils public transport will run free, and on the19th of November - with 50% discount



City news 380
Solemn meeting in Daugavpils Theater, dedicated the 94th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Latvia will be to see in an online broadcast on WWW.TV.DAUGAVPILS.LV

On the 18th of November, 2012 at 17.30 in Daugavpils national Theatre will begin a solemn event dedicated the 94th anniversary of the independence of Latvia. TV station of  Daugavpils City Council will provide a live broadcast of the event on the official video portal of Daugavpilsgovernment -

All interested


City news 453
A reminder for the citizens about hanging out the National Flag

During public holidays by dwelling houses and other buildings the national flag should be hanged out. In November, the State flag must be hanged out on the 11th of November, the day of Lāčplēsis and on the 18th of November, Latvian Independence day.
Daugavpils City Council Public relations department.


City news 430
On the 16th of November agreements about the reconstruction of Komunala street and Second stage construction of autotransport junction were signed at Daugavpils City Council

On the16th ofNovemberDaugavpilsCityCouncil Chairperson ŽannaKulakova and CBF Ltd. "Binders" member of the board ArmandsGarkāns signed two contracts considering two large projects realization inDaugavpils.

Was signed a contract for Komunāla streetreconstruction in the framework of ERAF project "Development of Daugavpils housing estate Grīva infrastructure." Agreement's price is 1


City news 505
Social workers of Daugavpils celebrated treir Professional holiday with a huge conference.

On the 14th of November Daugavpils City Concil held an event dedicated to the Day of the social worker. The event began with a performance of young singers, who created a positive mood. Conference was opened by Daugavpils City Council Chairperson ŽannaKulakova:

- This year in Europe passes under the sign of seniors - said MrsKulakova.


City news 453
Daugavpils and its’ region were popularized on a Tallink ferry

In the framework of project "Week of Latvia on the Baltic Sea" from 11 to 13 November Tourist Information Center of Daugavpils region popularized the latest deals of Daugavpils, Daugavpils region and Latgale region on organized by the National Tourism Development Agency stand during the trip "Riga-Stockholm-Riga" on the ship "Silja Festival".

Days of Latvia on the ships "Tallink"


City news 447
Are opened envelopes with tenders for competition of supply trams Daugavpils tram company

On the 12th of November Procurement commission opened the envelopes with offers for the supply of trams to the tram enterprise of Daugavpils. Applications were received from two candidates: Daugavpils Locomotive Repair factory with the offer in 5 million 356,636 lats and a group of Latvian and Belarusian companies SIA "Agmen Consulting. Bureau "and" Belkomunmash "with the offer of 4 million 614


City news 466
Daugavpils widely celebrated the Day of Lāčplēsis

On the 11th of November Lāčplēsis Day events began with laying flowers at the soldiers' graves and memorial sites.

There was a memorial at Latvian army soldiers’ cemetery, where speeches were announced by Daugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova. She emphasized that we cannot forget our country's history, that on the Day of Lāčplēsis we remember those who fought


City news 458
On the 10th of November Daugavpils celebrated Polish Independence Day

Poland's Independence Day is celebrated on the 11th of November. In the festive eve Daugavpils Polish community organized several events. Independence Day celebrations inDaugavpilsbegan with the laying of flowers at the cross of Slobodka.

At Mary's church was held Holy Mass and in the afternoon atCulturePalacecelebration concert "Polish independence songs" took place.



City news 525
Traffic in 18 Novembra Street will be fully opened on Saturday

From 10th of November at 10:25 traffic will be fully opened in18 Novembra Street. Road works are completed, are continuing works that do not interfere with the movement of the street.

Head of Municipal Department Aivars Pudāns explained that the road was scheduled to open on the 30th of October, but due to the absence of complete lighting renovation works, for security purposes street


City news 451
Traffic on the section of 18 Novembra street is opened

Today, on the 2nd of November, at 10.00 was opened a traffic on one of the sections of repaired street 18 Novembra, from Varšavas street to Ventspils street. Specialists of Municipal Management of communal economyclaimed, that in the nearest future the traffic will be resumed also in the section until Jelgavas street, that will considerably facilitate movement around


City news 502
Competition of Daugavpils City Council on the financing the activities of youth organizations and initiative groups

On the 1st of October Youth DepartmentDaugavpilsCity Council has announced a competition for financing youth organizations and initiative groups, the purpose of which is to facilitate the development and activity of urban youth Nongovernmental organizations, supporting youth initiatives in accordance with the approved Daugavpils Council concept of working with young people in the 2012-2013


City news 499
On the 6th of November, 2012 at 13:30 the Trilateral Advisory Council meeting will take place

On the trilateral meeting of the Advisory Council of Daugavpils City Council Ethnic center are welcomed members of the Council, the city's entrepreneurs and media representatives, as well as guests from Riga.

In working order:

  1. Look back at the activities and events the city economy in 2012.
  2. Investment Forum and investment projects in Daugavpils.


City news 447
Analysis of economic indicators of the city of Daugavpils for 9 months of 2012 industry


The amount of production in the first 9 months of this year, compared with identical indicators in 2011, increased by 12.3%. 12% improvement observed in the food industry. Large-scale reconstruction of SIA «Daugavpilsgaļas kombināts» and AS «Latvijas maiznieks», as well as other companies, has given results.


City news 467
In Daugavpils took place children and youth fashion contest ''Fashion wave''

On Saturday, the 27th of October in Daugavpils Culture Palace was held a charity children and youth fashion contest "Fashion wave". The competition was organized by the association "Rainbow club", but the author of idea is the head of the association Anita Ozoliņa.

Contestants from Latvia and Lithuania were welcomed by Daugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova, she emphasized


City news 467
Ecological problems of Baltic Sea were discussed in Daugavpils

On the 23th of October from 9.00 to17.00 inconference hall of Daugavpils City Council a Seminar on Sustainable sludge management and Laboratory techniques  organized within the Project for reducing eutrophication of the Baltic Sea today (PRESTO), implemented in the program "The Baltic Sea Region 2007-2013. "  Seminar participants were greeted byDaugavpilsCity Council Chairperson


City news 572
Newlyweds and the couple celebrating their golden wedding opened the ''Love Tree”

The opening of "Love Tree" inDaugavpilswas entrusted the newly established young family, Jekaterina and Aleksandrs Belavskis and golden anniversary pair Irena and Bronislavs Kokins.

The author of the “Love Tree” – is head artist of Daugavpils Jūris Pundurs.

Speaking to the assembled, Daugavpils City Council Vice-Chairman Līvija Jankovska said, "Love must have


City news 478
Archbishop Elmārs Ernsts Rozītis: „An impression about Daugavpils is very nice and sincere”

On the 21st -22nd of October Daugavpils vas visited by Latvian Lutheran Evangelic church Elmārs Ernsts Rozītis. On the 22nd of October this high rated guest was greeted byDaugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova.

Mr. Rozitis told that on October21 inDaugavpilshe scheduled a lot of meetings, at the Lutheran community, and with priests of


City news 618
A large number of trees will be planted in Daugavpils this autumn

Autumn - is not only the harvesting season, but is also the time of planting trees. This year in Daugavpils will be held large-scale works: Department of Urban Planning and Construction is planning to plant a large number of trees in order to make the urban landscape even more attractive, and the city - environmentally friendly.

Landscape technician of Communal economy Management Maria


City news 764
On the 17th of October “Binders” asphalt producing was opened

The opening ceremony was attended by “Binders” company’s leaders, Daugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova, vice-chairman Vjačeslavs Širjakovs and Livija Jankovska. Žanna Kulakova admitted, that this is a huge event for the city, because new factories open not so often. New places of work, even in the number of six – it is still an additional


City news 779

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