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City news

Information has been updated at 29.08.2018, 16:38

This summer the city will have new playgrounds

On 31st of May Public Utilities Department has signed an agreement with the company „Enlife”- the winner of the procurement procedure, to perform the order of Daugavpils municipality, which includes five different positions.

On the peninsula in the park „Esplanade” seven-meter mesh pyramid with additional gaming units for children 5-14 years old and 5 items of


City news 451
Daugavpils fortress wins 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence

Daugavpils fortress is proud to share the news about receiving a 2016 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence which is one of the most important criteria defining the travelers’ choice in visiting the tourist attractions and is also an internationally recognised mark of a tourism business excellence. According to the visitor feedback on TripAdvisor, Daugavpils fortress is among the Top 10


City news 552
The Museum of Shmakovka* opened in Daugavpils

On June 3rd the traditional red ribbon has been cut at the “Shmakovka” Museum, a unique tourist destination has appeared in the city.

As the Major of Daugavpils Janis Lāčplēsis noticed, there is whisky in Scotland, bourbon in United States, chacha in Georgia, slivovitz in Croatia. For non-one it seems odd to promote national cuisine and local drink. Meanwhile Latgale also


City news 512
Local farmer market resumed to work

Since June 3rd an evening Local farmer market resumed to work, in which Daugavpils inhabitants can purchase the quality products which are grown up in Latgale.

In the market, it is possible to purchase products from Daugavpils region local farmers - greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, berries, fruits, vegetables, honey, seedlings and other goods. Local farmer market will operate on


City news 515
Swedish National Day in Daugavpils

On the 4th June Swedish National Day will be celebrated in Daugavpils.  For the first time in Latvia the Swedish National Day will be celebrated outside the capital city. This celebration will be even more important due to the fact that it will be also Daugavpils’ city celebrations.

Swedish Ambassador to Latvia H.Landerholm thinks


City news 531
IV International East Baltic Business Forum

Latgale Special Economic Zone – business offer in Daugavpils

B2B platforms: metalworking, woodworking industry and textile industry 

June 2nd, 2016, in Daugavpils

11:00 –


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Open hours of the Daugavpils Fortress Culture & Information Centre during Winter holidays

22.12. - 9:00-18:00
23.12. - 9:00-17:00
24.-27.12. - closed
28.-29.12. - 9:00-18:00
30.12. - 9:00-16:00
31.12. - closed
01.-03.01.2016. -


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City news 443
Conference “European Identity building - transnational civic education” in Daugavpils, Latvia within the framework of “European regions developing European Citizenship” project


City news 464
Everything ready for the 2nd International Partner Meeting – Conference “European Identity building -  transnational civic education” in Daugavpils, Latvia within the framework of “European r

Daugavpils City Council together with sixteen regions, towns and Civil Society Organisations from eleven EU countries and with the coordination of Lodzkie Region (Poland) have created a project proposal in the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme.

The aim of this programme is to:

ü  Contribute to citizens' understanding of the EU, its history and


City news 461
Call for LATVIAN participants for participation in youth exchange

“CHANGE YOUR HABITS” in TURKEY from 10 to 17th of October 2015.
Youth exchange will be organized in city Sivas. Participate can youth from Latvia in age from 18 – 25 years old. In project will participate 30 youth. Partner countries will be Spain, Poland, Italy, Latvia and Turkey. To participate in a project you must fill application form. .For more detailed


City news 560
Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia congratulates Daugavpils with its 740th anniversary

According to the data of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) of Latvia, Daugavpils is the second largest city in Latvia – at the beginning of 2015 there were 86 435 residents. As the number of population in Latvia reduced, also the number of resident population in Daugavpils decreased – by 968 residents as compared to the beginning of 2014. During the last 10 years, the


City news 646
III International Tourism Conference “Daugavpils – 740. New Identity of the City”

In April 24th Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center will open doors for the participants of  III International Tourism Conference to introduce tourism professional the new marketing concept, a variety of tourism opportunities, to promote cooperation between Latvian and foreign tourism professionals. More than 150 participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Russia have already


City news 457
Entrepreneurship Training Course

Embassy of Sweden, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, TeliaSonera and CONNECT Latvia invites you to join the Entrepreneurship Training Course in Daugavpils in spring of 2015

In brief

The objective of the course is to inspire


City news 561
III International Tourism Conference “Daugavpils – 740. New Identity of the City” April 23rd - 24th 2015, Daugavpils, Latvia

III International Tourism Conference

“Daugavpils – 740. New Identity of the City”

April 23rd - 24th 2015, Daugavpils, Latvia 


Daugavpils - the city rich with its cultural and historical traditions in 2015 will


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City news 395
Motto of Daugavpils City Festival This Year – City with a Sense of Home

From June 2 till June 8, the traditional city festival will take place in Daugavpils; its motto this year is “Daugavpils – city with a sense of home”.

“Ancient stones of the fortress and splendid art nouveau in the heart of the city, low-rise wooden houses with finely carved bluish-grey shutters and geraniums on the windowsills in the


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III International East Baltic Business Forum

The III International East Baltic Business Forum - one of the most important events of the year in Daugavpils is approaching. The main goal of the forum is to introduce diversity of business possibilities in Daugavpils and Latgale region, as well as to stimulate cooperation between enterprises, benefiting from advantageous geographical position of Daugavpils City close to the border of


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