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City news

Information has been updated at 29.08.2018, 16:38

The flu in Daugavpils has not stopped

Monitoring indicates that despite the high level of illness, the flu slowly reduces, but it doesn’t indicate that epidemic ends. Last week there were 635 ill people, the week before last – 976 ill people.

This year a lot of children are ill. Head of Regional Hospital Aivars Zdanovskis informed that flu is heavy this year, with many complications. Most common complication is


City news 550
Daugavpils county Tourism Information Centre participated in the International Trade Fair ‘Balttour’

Daugavpils county Tourism Information Centre participated in the 20th International Trade Fair ‘Balttour 2013’, which was held from February 8-10 February at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre. The centre took part at holding a presentation on variety of tourism opportunities of Latgale at stand of Latgale region ‘Latgale unites’ in cooperation with 18


City news 464
Discussion on Development of the Fortress takes place at the Rothko Art Centre

The state joint-stock company ‘State Real Estate’ in cooperation with Daugavpils City Council and the State Inspection for Heritage Protection organized a discussion on “Development perspectives of the Daugavpils fortress” on February 7 at Mark Rothko Art centre. The objective of the discussion was to summarize ideas,


City news 416
Žanna Kulakova participated at the presentation of the movie „Latgale. Three stories”

On 31st of January administration of Latgale Planning Region and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development organized presentation of movie “Latgale. Three stories”  The presentation was opened by State Secretary of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Aleksandrs Antonovs, administration of Latgale Planning Region and


City news 469
The youth centre of informal education met 2013 with optimism and creative ideas.

The youth centre of informal education, located in Varšavas street 45, met 2013 with optimism and creative ideas for further development.

The aim of work of the centre is to encourage the youth to use their free time active and useful. 18 youth organizations help to achieve this aim. These organizations operate in the centre of youth informal education in different spheres of


City news 357
Daugavpils commemorated the January uprising in Inflanty

On January 22 a commemoration of the January uprising took place in the Tourism and information centre of the Daugavpils fortress. This is an important event not only to the Polish nation but to the whole Europe as well. This event is closely related to the Daugavpils fortress.

Polish Ambassador to Latvia Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, the Chairperson of Daugavpils city council Žanna


City news 471
Information and tourism centre provides information on activities performed in the Daugavpils fortress during the last year

2012 was a year of an intensive work in theDaugavpilsfortress - several projects have been implemented, which made the working process and attracting of tourism more difficult. ‘Nevertheless the plans for this year are even more ambitious’, tell Jānis Dukšinskis - the administrator of theDaugavpilsfortress and Artjoms Mahlins – expert on project issues.



City news 360
Remembering the time of Barricades

The time of the Barricades of January 1991 – time, when people from all Latvia gathered together in Riga to defend the just reborn freedom of their country.

In honor to this event Daugavpils Regional and Art Museum on 18th of January at 11.00 will hold remembrance event “Remembering the time of Barricades”. People from Daugavpils district –


City news 369
Three skating rinks works in Daugavpils

Also in this year, city inhabitants will have the possibility to spend their free time at outdoor skating rinks, which already are ready to operate.

Continuing the tradition, also in this year, city inhabitants will have the possibility to skate at outdoor skating rinks. Under the authority ofDaugavpilssport department there will be two skating rinks onKandavas street17a near Daugavpils


City news 393
The decision on tender of trams has been taken

The procurement commission has taken the decision regarding the winner of the procurement in the framework of the open competition ‘Purchase of Passenger Trams within the Project of the European Regional Development Fund ‘Renovation of Tram Infrastructure of Daugavpils’’(Identification Number: ASTU/2012/02/ERAF). The association of the suppliers - the JSC


City news 474
Daugavpils City Council launches campaign ''Let’s inspect streets together!'' – special e-mail address is created for city inhabitants

Municipal institutions regularly receive many reports from people about the condition of roads in the city. Deputy Chairperson of Daugavpils City Council Vjačeslavs Širjakovs says: "One of our work priorities is to maintain the streets and sidewalks in good condition, therefore the decision on a joint campaign with citizens on inspection of streets ofDaugavpilsis made. The help of


City news 431
At the Heating Plant № 1 mounted a new heating boiler

Board Member of municipal Joint Stock Company “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli” Māris Laudiņš informs that at the Heating Plant № 1 a new, produced in a Russian –Germanyjoint company “Wolf Energy Solutions”, heating boiler with installed capacity 15 MW were installed and put into operation.

New boiler is placed instead of old water boiler


City news 437
The State Revenue Service and Ministry of Finance included municipal joint-stock company “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli” on white list.

The State Revenue Service and Ministry of Finance admitted that municipal joint-stock company “Daugavpils Siltumtīkli” corresponds with certain criteria and decided to include company in in-depth cooperation program or so-called white list.

Opportunity of faster repayment of value-added tax, services of an individual tax consultant, receiving of information on a monthly


City news 424
Big carnival procession of school students was held on the second day of Christmas

On the 26th of December, the second day of Christmas, a mass carnival procession of Daugavpils schools' students took its placethe first time in Daugavpils. It was attended by more than 1,200 students of secondary schools of Daugavpils. Masks marched through from Vienības square on Rigas street to Daugavpils Ice Hall. Festive mood of the youngsters was created by Santa Claus, fairy-tale


City news 449
Santa Claus invited the best students to the Centre of Latvian Culture

On the 27th of December Latvian Centre of Culture held the Christmas tree for the best students among city schools. Before meeting with Santa Claus, children watched a holiday concert and a performance of Latvian Cultural Centre collectives.

The students were greeted by Daugavpils City Council ChairpersonŽannaKulakova, her first Vice-chairman VitālijsAzarevičsand


City news 453
Daugavpils City Council wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!

In the run up to Christmas and the New 2013 I wish happiness, well-being and health to enter every home, every labor collective of the city. Let the white, peaceful light of Christmas bring kind thoughts, inspirational ideas for creative and productive work, faith in our abilities and in our home city!


City news 404
The New Year performance from Saint Petersburg and Christmas gifts for small citizens of Daugavpils.

On the 20th of December Daugavpils Palace of Culture hosted a Christmas tree, organized jointly by Daugavpils City Council and the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Daugavpils. This event took place in the framework of the program by government of St. Petersburg "Compatriots". Miraculous, funny and instructive Russian New Year's fairy tale "Morozko" was performed by artists of St.


City news 386
Municipal police demonstrated to journalists the work of video surveillance system

From the 9th of November video surveillance system in Daugavpils began working in a stationary, not a test mode. On the 14th of December Municipal Police invited journalists to review the operation of this system and its first results.

55 cameras have been installed at 28 objects. City center includes 19 objects, Jaunbūve housing estate and Ķīmiķu housing estate have 8


City news 423
The results of 2012 in the field of tourism are summarized

On the 13th of December vice-chairperson of LivijaJankovska held a meeting of experts of the working group on tourism, the main aim of which is to evaluate the development of this sector in the past year. LivijaJankovska emphasized that in this direction have already been done a lot, but much remains to be done.

"First of all, has been completed concept development of tourism, and


City news 390
Daugavpils local government is one of the most youth friendly

The Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia commended the work of local governments with the youth, activities for youth, cooperation with youth organizations. In recent years much has been done in Daugavpils in this area, and it has not gone unnoticed. Daugavpils has received a diploma from the Ministry of Education for improving the quality of life of youth in local government.


City news 393

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