City Council signs a protocol of intent with the city of Dalian in China Council news

Dalian City Administration's visit takes place in Daugavpilson the 25th – 27th of May. On May 27, the delegation arrived in Daugavpils City Council, where a protocol of intent on cooperation between museums of both cities was signed. The document was signed by the director ofLushun museum Guo Fuchun andDaugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova. The ceremony was attended by First Deputy Chairperson Vitālijs Azarevičs, Deputy Chairperson Līvija Jankovska and the leaders of cultural institutions ofDaugavpils.
Before signing the protocol, Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova emphasized that it is very good that the two cities share such important objects as fortresses. Experience in fortress management and restoration is very valuable information forDaugavpils. Daugavpils Fortress is a cultural pearl that is being restored, and every informative experience will be significant. Žanna Kulakova expressed her gratitude for the interest thatDalianMunicipalityhas shown about collaboration with the city ofDaugavpils.
Visitors fromChinafound thatDaugavpilshas potential in tourism and cooperation is evolving more extensively.Daugavpilshas left them with best impressions. First contacts were established six months ago, now a protocol of intent has been signed, that will be the basis for cooperation between museums. Protocol of intent envisions cooperation in the fields of culture, research and mutual exchange of expositions and exhibitions.
Chinese delegation includes the Deputy Chairperson of Dalian City Culture, Radio, Film and Television Bureau, the Director of Ļushun Museum and a specialist from Dalian City Administration Foreign Affairs Department.
Ļushunis the area of the former famousPort Arthurfortifications, the military history of which is associated with bothDaugavpilsand the former Baltic provinces.
The guests paid as visit not only to the fortress - they saw other tourist attractions ofDaugavpilsregion, visited the cultural institutions ofDaugavpils.