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The administration of Daugavpils City Council met the mayor of Batumi Dzhemal Ananidze Council news

The administration of Daugavpils City Council met the mayor of Batumi Dzhemal Ananidze

Delegation fromBatumi(Georgia) headed by city mayor Dzhemal Ananidze arrived to the Tourism Conference. He spoke at the conference with an interesting report aboutBatumiexperience in a field of tourism. On April 26 the Chairperson of Daugavpils City Council Žanna Kulakova and Deputy Chairperson Līvija Jankovska had a meeting withBatumidelegation.

Žanna Kulakova stressed thatBatumiis a brand new partner, but very interested in collaboration. Last year collaboration agreement between both cities was signed. Cooperation has great potential, as evidenced by this visit. Both cities are interested in development of culture and tourism, tourist exchanges.

Līvija Jankovska thanked Dzhemal Ananidze for the report in the conference aboutBatumiexperience in a field of tourism.

Mayor ofBatumithanked for the warm welcome. He is first time inDaugavpilsand his impressions are very rich.Batumidelegation visited a number of companies inDaugavpils, got acquainted with school renovation project.Batumiis interested inDaugavpilsexperience that’s why they are grateful for invitation to visitDaugavpils.

At the end of the meeting Žanna Kulakova presented gifts for the guests – Latgale region ceramics and a loaf of bread.


The information has been prepared by press secretary ofDaugavpilscity council Līga Korsaka.

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