On January 24th a meeting of the Daugavpils city council took place where the budget of the Daugavpils municipality for the year 2013 was approved Council news

I would like to emphasize, that this budget will allow the municipality not only to perform its main functions in good quality and to ensure the work of all organizations and institutions, but it will also secure the planned development of the city, implementation of new projects and further realization of those projects implementation of which has not been finished yet. Owing to the main financial document – the city budget – residents ofDaugavpilswill receive all the existing as well as new social benefits and social services. We will still enjoy the beauty of our clean and tidy city. The municipality will be able to realize new ideas regarding improvement of the environment of our city, the repair work of pavement of streets and yards will take place. The municipality will assist residents in organizing heat insulation of buildings. Festivals and sports competitions will be held inDaugavpils.
The city’s budget for the year 2013 in numbers
The amount of income of the basic budget ofDaugavpilsfor the year 2013 is estimated 50.5 million lats, which is for about 84 thousand lats more than in the previous year. The amount of the special budget income in its turn have been estimated about 1 million lats. Unfortunately the payment received by the municipalities from the State Road Management Fund continues to decrease. The funding received is as small as 10 years ago. Still this will not influence repair work of roads that has been planned for this year.
The expenses from the basic budget make 61 million 900 000 lats, which is for 7 million 300 thousand or 13.42% more than in the previous year.
The municipality will continue to invest in the city infrastructure in the framework of the EU funded projects. 21.2 million lats have been envisaged for implementation of the projects, including funding for new projects realization of which will start in 2013.
Considering the tendencies of the later years, there is a well-grounded hope that the budget of the city will fill as planned and thus there will be an opportunity to introduce changes with the aim to envisage additional funds for new work to be done inDaugavpilsand will provide bigger opportunities for development of the city.
The Chairperson of Daugavpils city council Žanna Kulakova