New agreement concluded on project implementation Council news

Daugavpils City Council, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (MEPRD) and SIA “Vides investīciju fonds” (Environmental Investment Fund Ltd.) have concluded an agreement on the implementation of the project „Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Daugavpils preschool educational institution No. 26” (further - project).
On May 2016 Daugavpils City Council submitted the project application to the call for proposals “Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions – low-energy consumption buildings” financed by the emission allowances auctioning instrument. The aim of the present call for proposals is to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide by building new low-energy consumption buildings, as well as renovating or rebuilding the existing buildings into a low-energy consumption buildings.
As a result, seven projects were approved, including the project of Daugavpils City Council. The agreement on project implementation No.EKII-2/3 was concluded on October 4, 2016.
The aim of the project is to improve the energy efficiency of Daugavpils preschool educational institution No. 26, at Šaurā Street 20, Daugavpils, by renovating the building into a low-energy consumption building.
The activities envisaged within the framework of the project:
- insulation of the facade of the building, including insulation of outer walls, replacement of windows and doors, insulation of basement, insulation of roof covering, insulation of floor, ground and basement covering;
- renovation of ventilation system by installing recuperation equipment;
- reconstruction of heat supply system;
- installation of vacuum solar collectors for hot water preparation.
The planned thermal energy consumption for heating after project implementation is 20, 33 kWh/m2 per year.
The emissions of carbon dioxide after project implementation will be reduced by 115 760, 04 kg CO2 per year.
Total costs of the project are EUR 1 287 910, 09.
Funding from the emission allowances auctioning instrument is EUR 852 941, 51.
Information provided by:
D. Briška
Expert on Project Issues of Projects Unit of Development Department
Daugavpils City Council