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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

Daugavpils preparing for Christmas

Specialists of Daugavpils City Council are very seriously preparing for the celebration of Christmas and New Year in the city. This process is coordinated by Daugavpils City Council Vice-Chairperson LivijaJankovska. On the 29th of November was held regular meeting of the Management Committee.

The main task is to make the event interesting to everyone, to have new surprises.


City news 426
Daugavpils City Council congratulated Chevalier of Recognition Cross Maria Ivanova

On the 29th of October City Council received a message from the Chapter of Orders - a Chevalier of the Recognition Cross is assigned a long-term chairperson of the board of Daugavpils territorial organization of Latvian Association of blind people Maria Ivanova.
High national award was given for their dedication and contribution to the work of social rehabilitation, unselfish work


Council news 1865
During the Career week young people met the entrepreneurs of Daugavpils

On the 28th of November in Daugavpils City Council passed one of the Career week' events - a meeting with businessmen under the motto "Start the business!" It was opened by Daugavpils City Council First Vice-chairman Vitalijs Azarevičs.

«All of you must make a serious choice - what to become? Local government finds very important the development of


City news 441
Annual marathon Stop AIDS will be held on the 1st of December

On the 1st of December, on World AIDS Day, Daugavpils City Council Youth Department invites to the annual "Anti-AIDS Marathon" which will be held at 17:00 in the Daugavpils Polish State Gymnasium named after J.Pilsudskis at Marijas Street 1.

Competitions,quizzes,  sets from DJs and many other surprises throughout the evening The marathon will also be


City news 500
The IX-th National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Latvi

In December 6-9, 2012 the Exhibition Center Kipsala (Riga) will host the IX-th National Exhibition of the Republic of Belarus in the Republic of Latvia (see and


City news 628
Daugavpils government will keep GMI 45 lats benefit for the citizens

 Daugavpils City Council chairperson Žanna Kulakova considers that the government's decision to reduce the amount of the benefit on the guaranteed minimum income (GMI) to 35 lats is incorrect, especially now, when a society has a significant social tension. Therefore, Daugavpils local government is keeping GMI in its current form in the amount of LVL


City news 384
Dear disabled persons of Daugavpils!

Due to the International Day of Disabled Persons Social Affair Department of Daugavpils City Council invites you to a concertwhich will be held on December 3 at 14.00 in the Concert Hall of the Center of Latvian culture.

Before and after the concert will work an information point


City news 406
Local government and metalworkers of Daugavpils will take part in Tech Industry exhibition in Riga for the third time.

The international exhibition of materials and technologies for industrial production, mechanical engineering, metalworking, automation, electronics, electrical engineering, supplies, tools and innovative technologies Tech Industry 2012, the year’s biggest event for industrial production in the Baltic Region, takes place at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre in Riga, Latvia from 29


City news 493
During the meeting with the president of Poland B. Komorovoski Daugavpils City Council Chairperson Ž. Kulakova presented the whole Latgales region

On the 23rd of November Latviawas attended by President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski  Along with him toLatviacame the Polish entrepreneurs and government representatives.

Daugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova told that there was a business forum, which was opened by Latvian and Polish presidents. Žanna Kulakova had the honor to presentDaugavpilsand the entire


City news 424
Owners of neglected real properties will be fined

One of the issues on the agenda at the last meeting of town planning committee of Daugavpils City Council on the 22th of November became the neglected objects belonging to private persons and structures. These are objects in 18 Novembra 208a, Inženieru 3, Lāčplēša 6/8, Turaidas 39 and Tērvetes 17 and others. Despite numerous attempts of Building Board to call to order


City news 426
Žanna Kulakova visited social institutions

On the 20th of November the mayor of Daugavpils Žanna Kulakova visited several institutions of the department of Social affairs: social shelter at Šaura street, 23, the social house at Šaura street, 28, the Center of Family Support at Šaura street, 26, and at the Center of Support for persons with mental disabilities at


City news 461
Many citizens of Daugavpils were awarded in honor of national hoilday.

On the 18th of November Daugavpils and the entire country celebrated the 94th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia. And during the solemn meeting in the theater and in Vienibas square, during a live broadcast of Latvian Television citizens were able to see the speech of the President of Latvia Andris Berziņš. Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional


City news 460
Latvian language learning for free opportunities in Daugavpils

Daugavpils 3rd secondary school in the framework of social integration fund invites to the courses of improving the knowledge of national language. In addition, a joint venture with the State Employment Agency, 15th secondary school will teach the unemployed people Latvian language by the coupon


Education news 936
Congratulations of Mayor of Daugavpils  Žanna Kulakova in bealf of Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia


City news 558
On the18th of November  Daugavpils public transport will run free, and on the 19th of November with 50% discount

In order to ease the  citizens' reaching the places of festvie events, dedicated to the 94th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Latvia, Daugavpils City Council decided to provide discount fares in public transport during holidays.

On the 18th of November  Daugavpils public transport will run free, and on the19th of November - with 50% discount



City news 434
Solemn meeting in Daugavpils Theater, dedicated the 94th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Latvia will be to see in an online broadcast on WWW.TV.DAUGAVPILS.LV

On the 18th of November, 2012 at 17.30 in Daugavpils national Theatre will begin a solemn event dedicated the 94th anniversary of the independence of Latvia. TV station of  Daugavpils City Council will provide a live broadcast of the event on the official video portal of Daugavpilsgovernment -

All interested


City news 496
A reminder for the citizens about hanging out the National Flag

During public holidays by dwelling houses and other buildings the national flag should be hanged out. In November, the State flag must be hanged out on the 11th of November, the day of Lāčplēsis and on the 18th of November, Latvian Independence day.
Daugavpils City Council Public relations department.


City news 469
On the 16th of November agreements about the reconstruction of Komunala street and Second stage construction of autotransport junction were signed at Daugavpils City Council

On the16th ofNovemberDaugavpilsCityCouncil Chairperson ŽannaKulakova and CBF Ltd. "Binders" member of the board ArmandsGarkāns signed two contracts considering two large projects realization inDaugavpils.

Was signed a contract for Komunāla streetreconstruction in the framework of ERAF project "Development of Daugavpils housing estate Grīva infrastructure." Agreement's price is 1


City news 552
Social workers of Daugavpils celebrated treir Professional holiday with a huge conference.

On the 14th of November Daugavpils City Concil held an event dedicated to the Day of the social worker. The event began with a performance of young singers, who created a positive mood. Conference was opened by Daugavpils City Council Chairperson ŽannaKulakova:

- This year in Europe passes under the sign of seniors - said MrsKulakova.


City news 501
Daugavpils and its’ region were popularized on a Tallink ferry

In the framework of project "Week of Latvia on the Baltic Sea" from 11 to 13 November Tourist Information Center of Daugavpils region popularized the latest deals of Daugavpils, Daugavpils region and Latgale region on organized by the National Tourism Development Agency stand during the trip "Riga-Stockholm-Riga" on the ship "Silja Festival".

Days of Latvia on the ships "Tallink"


City news 488

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