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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

Events dedicated to the International Teacher’s Day in Daugavpils

Department of Major and professional education informs about events dedicated to the International Teacher’s Day in Daugavpils.

Final conference "The identity of the teacher - the basis of the quality of education" as part of ESF program "Contributing increase of competitiveness of teachers in terms of optimization of the educational system" will be held on the 1st of


Education news 987
First Results of the International Investment Forum

II International Investment Forum "Latgale – Eastern Gate of European Union" took place inDaugavpilson September 20 and 21. It was attended by more than 400 entrepreneurs and municipality representatives from 15 countries.

The enterprises SIA “Eko izo” (dealing with manufacturing of ecological cotton wool from waste paper for building insulation), SIA “Abi


City news 1177
Exhibition ''Our works'' takes place in the foyer of the second floor of Daugavpils City Council

On the 26th of September, a very special exhibition was opened in City Council. It is an exhibition of works of art studios ofDaugavpilsMental Hospital. After opening the exhibition, the first Vice-chairman of City Council Vitalijs Azarevičs admitted that sees very heartwarming works, and on behalf of City Council thanked all the authors. He emphasized that every citizen is


Culture news 572
The second International Investment Forum

On the 20-21th of September an International Investment Forum took place inDaugavpils, which this year has grown to a scale of Latgale region. Forum's motto is "Latgale - East Gate of the European Union”.  Forum was opened by Daugavpils City Council chairperson Žanna Kulakova.

The mayor wished lots of new information and new business partners, ideas and surprises in


City news 676
The exhibition ''Made in Latgale and Daugavpils goods'' in Daugavpils Olympic Center

Exhibition will be held on the 20th of September from 10.00 to 18.00 and on the 21st  of September from 10.00 to 16.00.

The exhibition is going to be quite interesting. The number of participants is record huge- over 1,000. The area of manufacturers is planned, where businessmen from all Latgale, largest enterprises of Daugavpils and investors already working in Daugavpils will


City news 572
An international Rotko workshop has started

Rotko workshop is being held in Daugavpils for already 8 years in September. It gathers artists from different countries, so that they draw and get inspired by the landscapes of Rotko’s native city - Daugavpils.

On Saturday, September 15, in the courtyard of the Daugavpils Museum the Grand opening was held for visitors. Daugavpils city chairperson Žanna Kulakova pronounced the


Culture news 613
Next year Speedway Grand Prix will be held in Daugavpils

On the 17th of September at “Lokomotiv” stadium was held a press-conference, where was discussed Grand Prix stage inDaugavpils. Press-conference was opened by City Council Vice-chairman Vjačeslavs Širjakovs.

He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the 50th anniversary of the club, which will be celebrated in 2013, may be noted by big sporting


Sport news 2966
ARTIŠOKS festival ended in a creative and sporty atmosphere

On the 8th of Setpember young people festival Artišoks took its place in Central Park of Daugavpils. For the second time the festival is annually organised by City Council Youth Department. The festival was opened by Daugavpils city chairperson Žanna Kulakova.

Žanna Kulakova emphasized that the city is forming another beautiful and interesting


City news 545
Murdered Jewish children were honored in Daugavpils

September usually is associated with school and knowledge. Today we look on our children's achievements and talents with joy. We expect that will they be successors, who will be the wiser, more tolerant and capable not to reduplicate the tragedy that took place during World War II. It was the genocide of the Jewish people. More than 2 thousand Jewish children murdered in Daugavpils


City news 608
For the sixth time the festival “Happy Family” was organized by the social workers.

On the 26thof August the Central Park of Daugavpils has been crowded since early morning. Social workers, representatives of public organizations, educational institutions have started equipping the area for the Sixth International Festival "Happy Family." For the sixth year in a row in their free time, social workers organize massive celebration for the


City news 648
Mėnuo Juodaragis XV festival conquers the sky

The 15th independent post-folk festival "Mėnuo Juodaragis" invites to touch the pagan heart of the Baltics again. The very last Summer weekend - August 24-26 it will come back to Zarasai, North-Eastern Lithuania, the beautiful Zarasai lake island, welcoming the best original artists from European countries and homeland.

A well-known open air event will present a rich


Culture news 731



The exhibition from museum holdings depicts the interior of living room from the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. This interior includes elements of an art nouveau (modern style).  High level of spirituality, inward generosity and perfection of plastic forms based on simple forms from natural world, was typical of this style. 

Since ancient times the


Culture news 596
Daugavpils Fortress Culture & Information Centre is open in weekends also

Despite several streets and buildings renovation works are in progress now in Daugavpils Fortress, it is one of the most attractive tourist objects and number of tourists is still high.

In 2012 since the first four months 404 tourists were served, but only in May – already 370: they were informed about the fortress history, running projects, future development


City news 796

Notice for enterprises, companies, artists, groups of authors, legal and physical entities:

Daugavpils city council announces competition for design concepts of the park bench



Development of urban areas that satisfy the contemporary


City news 573
Clay Art Center's Celebration program

Ceramic art and pottery is known in our history from the prehistoric times, in all stages and in different culture.
       ClayArtCenter offers the opportunity to touch the history of pottery again and to celebrate together a birthday on the 12th October, 18 November Street 8, 18.00. Celebration program includes a variety of activities where can


Culture news 638
The Initiation Conference of Fortified Ideal Cities will be held in Daugavpils, in the 29th – 30th August, 2011.

The Initiation Conference of Fortified Ideal Cities will be held in Daugavpils, in the 29th – 30th August, 2011.


“Fortified Ideal Cities” are a specific kind and independent category of the fortified cultural heritage. Their foundation bases on a military strategy for defence of regions, infrastructure and


City news 622
Share-festival ''Happy family''

Social department of Daugavpils organizes the traditional international share-festival "Happy family" and invites all people of goodwill to support this event.

Festival will be held  in august /20/2011 at 12.00 in Daugavpils Central Park.
We invite you to support the action!

It can be:


City news 654

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