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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

On the first meeting about Daugavpils city festival it was agreed that this year the festival will be dedicated to entrepreneurs.

During the meeting at the mayor’s office the agreement have been made that the festival’s motto will be “My City Daugavpils. The City ofOpportunities.” The Festival will take place on June 8 – 9, but will start already from June 4 with the traditional events in the residential areas of the city.

Žanna Kulakova emphasized that this year the festival will be


City news 428
The work on opening of the Mark Rothko Art Centre continues.

Marion Kahan, the manager of the collection of Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko, visited Daugavpils for three days. The aim of her visit was to make sure that the premises of the Mark Rothko Art Centre where will be displayed six original works of Mark Rothko comply the requirements of the all international standards of art museums. The preparation of the visit took long time due to


Culture news 915
The work on organisation of the Tourism Conference has begun

Tourism Conference in Daugavpils will be held on May 16-17. On 19th of February the first meeting of work group was held. The Deputy Chairperson of Daugavpils city council Līvija Jankovska leads the organizing team.

The aim of Tourism Conference is to improve the quality of tourism services, to popularize tourism objects. Līvija Jankovska emphasized that main accent should


City news 395
24th of February – Family Day

Continuing the tradition, the Family Day will be held at the Daugavpils Regional and Art Museum. We invite families to come on Sunday and to visit expositions and exhibitions for the favourable price – only 1Ls, irrespective of the number of people and, at 13.00, to take part in the interactive program ““The Nature is Dyeing” which will open the secrets of dyeing yarn,


Culture news 746
The company “Zieglera Mašīnbūve” celebrated the 15th anniversary

15 years ago German company “Zieglera Mašīnbūve” started to work in Daugavpils. Owner Martin Ziegler substantiates that the main determinants for his choice for Daugavpils were close range of Russia and CIS, quantity of needed specialists. On the 1st of December, 1997 the limited liability company “Zieglera Mašīnbūve” was founded. On the


City news 482
Daugavpils and Daugavpils county will be presented at international tourism exhibition „Tourest 2013” in Estonia

Daugavpils county Tourism Information Centre together with other tourism sphere specialists of Latgale region will participate in International tourism Fair-Exhibition “Tourest 2013” which will be held inTallinnfrom February 15-17 and will present tourism offers 2013 ofDaugavpilsandDaugavpilscounty.

Participation in exhibition is ensured due to the activities of the project


City news 501
Analysis of economic indicators of the city of Daugavpils for the year 2012


The amount of production in 2012, compared with 2011, increased by 11% and it is 159 497 thousands lats.

 The amount of realized production is even higher which suggest that managed to realize also a lot of production which were in stock.

11.5% improvement observed in the food industry. Limited liability company


City news 439
Young people actively participated in the campaign „Shadow Days”

 “Shadow Day”, which this year was held on February 13, is a career education event organized by Junior AchievementYoung Enterprise Latvia.

This year entrepreneurs of Daugavpils, municipalities and state institutions and organizations were offered to register at portal The interest and


Education news 1670
Latvian Youth Winter Olympics in Ērgļi.

For 19th time Latvian Youth Winter Olympics was held in Ērgļi from 8th till 9th of February. Each year it is organized by the Latvian Olympic Committee in cooperation with Ērgļi county council. In overall ranking of school teams winner isSecondary school ofAlūksnes County – they took home six gold and three silver medals. At least


Education news 1593
The flu in Daugavpils has not stopped

Monitoring indicates that despite the high level of illness, the flu slowly reduces, but it doesn’t indicate that epidemic ends. Last week there were 635 ill people, the week before last – 976 ill people.

This year a lot of children are ill. Head of Regional Hospital Aivars Zdanovskis informed that flu is heavy this year, with many complications. Most common complication is


City news 549
Daugavpils county Tourism Information Centre participated in the International Trade Fair ‘Balttour’

Daugavpils county Tourism Information Centre participated in the 20th International Trade Fair ‘Balttour 2013’, which was held from February 8-10 February at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre. The centre took part at holding a presentation on variety of tourism opportunities of Latgale at stand of Latgale region ‘Latgale unites’ in cooperation with 18


City news 462
Discussion on Development of the Fortress takes place at the Rothko Art Centre

The state joint-stock company ‘State Real Estate’ in cooperation with Daugavpils City Council and the State Inspection for Heritage Protection organized a discussion on “Development perspectives of the Daugavpils fortress” on February 7 at Mark Rothko Art centre. The objective of the discussion was to summarize ideas,


City news 414
Žanna Kulakova participated at the presentation of the movie „Latgale. Three stories”

On 31st of January administration of Latgale Planning Region and Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development organized presentation of movie “Latgale. Three stories”  The presentation was opened by State Secretary of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Aleksandrs Antonovs, administration of Latgale Planning Region and


City news 466
Exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing”

On 1st February at 12.00 in the exhibition hall of Daugavpils Regional and Art Museum will be opened exhibition “The Nature is Dyeing”. The exhibition will be devoted to in Latvia commonly found herbs which can be easily collected and used in yarn dyeing. There will be available informational material, dried herbs as well as samples of dyed yarn. In the exhibition


Culture news 593
„Golden Puck – 2013” starts on Tuesday

Annual tournament “Golden Puck” for school and yard teams will start with three games on Tuesday. This year in tournament will participate seven teams.

Teams could sign in until 22nd of January. Third year in a row this tournament will be organized byDaugavpils hockey club in cooperation withDaugavpils sports department and education department.

This year


Sport news 2865
Grigorjeva won „Grand Prix” stage in Russia

Daugavpilsathlete Anastasija Grigorjeva won "Golden Grand Prix" stage in freestyle wrestling in weight category till 63 kilograms. In semi-final she got revanche against Mongol sportswoman for the loss at the London Olympic Games.

Anastasija Grigorjeva in a weekend took part in an international competition inKrasnoyarskwhere "Golden Grand Prix" stage dedicated to the memory of Ivan


Sport news 2914
On January 24th a meeting of the Daugavpils city council took place where the budget of the Daugavpils municipality for the year 2013 was approved

I would like to emphasize, that this budget will allow the municipality not only to perform its main functions in good quality and to ensure the work of all organizations and institutions, but it will also secure the planned development of the city, implementation of new projects and further realization of those projects implementation of which has not been finished yet. Owing to the main


Council news 1726
The youth centre of informal education met 2013 with optimism and creative ideas.

The youth centre of informal education, located in Varšavas street 45, met 2013 with optimism and creative ideas for further development.

The aim of work of the centre is to encourage the youth to use their free time active and useful. 18 youth organizations help to achieve this aim. These organizations operate in the centre of youth informal education in different spheres of


City news 356
Daugavpils commemorated the January uprising in Inflanty

On January 22 a commemoration of the January uprising took place in the Tourism and information centre of the Daugavpils fortress. This is an important event not only to the Polish nation but to the whole Europe as well. This event is closely related to the Daugavpils fortress.

Polish Ambassador to Latvia Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, the Chairperson of Daugavpils city council Žanna


City news 467
You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg!

You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Take this opportunity to practice your foreign languages with our volunteers! We propose 3 different conversation clubs:


      French conversation club on Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is travels (Les voyages: Quelle fut votre


Culture news 583

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