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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

City Council signs a protocol of intent with the city of Dalian in China

Dalian City Administration's visit takes place in Daugavpilson the 25th – 27th of May. On May 27, the delegation arrived in Daugavpils City Council, where a protocol of intent on cooperation between museums of both cities was signed. The document was signed by the director ofLushun museum Guo Fuchun andDaugavpils City Council Chairperson Žanna Kulakova. The ceremony


Council news 1701
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center will be open on 4th and 6th of May!

On 4th of May, the Center will be open from 10:00 till 19:00, on 6th of May from 10:00 till 14:00.

Café‚ „Arsenal” which is located at the Center premises will start working on 3rd of May and it will be open from 10:00 till 22:00.

On the first Sunday of each month, there will be lowered prices for Center visitors. Sectors B, C ,D  altogether,


Culture news 498
Cooperation between Daugavpils and Poland is getting stronger

On May 2 in Daugavpils City Council the meeting of Chairperson of Daugavpils City Council Žanna Kulakova with the senator of Polish Parliament Marek Konopka, the consul of the Embassy of Poland in Latvia Janusz Dawidowicz and participants and guests of VI International Festival “Polish Folklore in Latgale” took place. Among guests there were representatives of national dance


City news 431
Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival ‘Gaudeamus’2014 will be held in Daugavpils

Daugavpils City council received an official letter from the Ministry of Education and Science informing that the XVII Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival ‘Gaudeamus’  2014 will take place in Daugavpils.

From December 3, 2012 till January 15, 2013 the work group of the Ministry of Education and Science explored the opportunities for holding the festival at the


City news 446

This is real result of the Daugavpils Investment Forum. Daugavpils University met Armenian partners during the Investment Forum and agreement is real result of this forum – an investment project from Armenia. It is export of educational services, exchange of students.

Rector of Daugavpils University Arvīds Barševskis expressed his appreciation for organisation of such


City news 422
The administration of Daugavpils City Council met the mayor of Batumi Dzhemal Ananidze

Delegation fromBatumi(Georgia) headed by city mayor Dzhemal Ananidze arrived to the Tourism Conference. He spoke at the conference with an interesting report aboutBatumiexperience in a field of tourism. On April 26 the Chairperson of Daugavpils City Council Žanna Kulakova and Deputy Chairperson Līvija Jankovska had a meeting withBatumidelegation.

Žanna Kulakova stressed thatBatumiis


Council news 1781
II Daugavpils International Tourism Conference “Daugavpils – reliable partner in the tourism market of Eastern Baltic.”


City news 367
State of Emergency has been declared in Daugavpils and Daugavpils county

Government today held an extraordinary meeting on the situation inLatvia’s municipalities which are affected by floods. The chairperson ofDaugavpilscity council Žanna Kulakova also participated in the meeting and informed that a decision about declaring of emergency state inDaugavpilsandDaugavpilscounty has been taken.

Such a decision has been taken so that when the situation


City news 543
The city council together with representatives of state and educational institutions evaluates the Daugavpils Development program

A meeting with representatives of state institutions and higher and professional education institutions of Daugavpils took place at the city council on April 11 and 12. Guests were met by the chairperson of the council Žanna Kulakova, deputy chairperson Līvija Jankovska and executive director Andrejs Kursītis.


Žanna Kulakova stressed that we all are inhabitants of


Council news 1995
Travelling exhibition “You are. You can.” devoted to Paralympic Games in London has begun in Daugavpils.

On April 11 the travelling photo exhibition “You are. You can.” devoted to Paralympic Games inLondonhas been opened at the Daugavpils Olympic Centre. This exhibition was created with the support of Citadele bank. The opening ceremony began with a speech of Ms. Žanna Kulakova - the chairperson ofDaugavpilsCity council.

 Ms. Žanna Kulakova said: Owing to the author of


Sport news 2979
Creative workshop of watercolour painting will be held at Mark Rothko Art Centre

Continuing Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre cycle of creative workshops (openstudio), creative workshop of watercolour painting will be held on April 11 – 13.

Watercolour painting workshop will be led by watercolour painter Ieva Spalviņa. She graduated Art Academy of Latvia and J. Rozentals Art secondary school. Ieva Spalviņa is a painting and composition teacher at the J.


Culture news 570
Exhibition of works of Daugavpils regional association of artists ''Without the concept''

On Wednesday, March 27 at 16.00 opening of an exhibition of works ofDaugavpilsregional association of artists "Without the concept" will take place at the Daugavpils Regional and Art Museum. This event also will open “Days of art 2013” inDaugavpils.

Daugavpilsregional association of artists is professional, creative organization uniting professional artists of 30 different


Culture news 556
Grigorjeva – European champion

Daugavpilsbest wrestler Anastasija Grigorjeva got 1st place on Europe Freestyle Wrestling Championship and became the European champion for second time.

European champion 2010 began the championship with certainty and got three victories. In the first round of three periods she defeated Greek athlete Agoro Papavisileu (1:2, 4:1, 6:0), then defeated alsoAzerbaijanathlete Hanna


Sport news 2996
First stage of the World Women’s Volleyball Championship will be held in Daugavpils, in May

In this connection, on March 14,Latviavolleyball federation president Atis Sausnite visitedDaugavpils. He met with Chairperson of City Council Žanna Kulakova.

Žanna Kulakova told thatDaugavpilsis a sports city which loves sports, supports different sports and modernises sports infrastructure. City mayor stated that the city is able to hold international sports events. Atis Sausnītis


Sport news 2884
A unique collection of Pēteris’ Martinsons ceramics is donated by the author for exposition in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre

A unique collection of ceramics by Pēteris’ Martinsons, one of the greatest contemporary ceramists, has arrived to DMRAC on March 5th. Within a short time we are expecting PeterisMartinsons and his curator ZandaZīvina to start mount the collection in the Expositional Sector. The exposition opening will match the ceremonial opening of the DMRAC on 24th of April.



Culture news 896
On March 12 the student team from USA will meet Daugavpils hockey players

On March 12 inDaugavpilsfor the first time there will be a friendly hockey match between a student team from theUSA"Liberty Flames" and a team ofDaugavpils. Game will begin at 19:00.

The game inDaugavpilsand “Liberty Flames” tour inLatviais organized by association “Athletes in Action”, which aim is to popularize sport in different countries. Thanks to the


Sport news 3032
Grigorjeva wins the tournament in Belarus

Latvia’s best wrestler Anastasija Grigorjeva got instant achievement in the international tournament. At this time in “Grand Prix” stage inBelarusshe got the first place.

 A. Medveds Freestyle Wrestling Tournament brought together participants from 16 different countries around the world. It is worth noting that before the start of tournament, athletes had


Sport news 2979
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is organizing the International residencesof art critics

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center is organizing the International residences for art critics in between June 17 – 21, 2013.

The point of residences is to providethe Art Center’scollection with the scientific research, as well as to promote interest in Daugavpils as a creative space, connected with arts.

Professional artists and art critics are welcome to apply for


Culture news 560
You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg!

You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Take this opportunity to practice your foreign languages with our volunteers! We propose 3 different conversation clubs:

      French conversation club on Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00.


Culture news 575
Exhibition of painted glass in the Latgale Central Library

From March 1, 2013 in the hall of the periodical press of Latgale Central Library the exhibition of artwork by students of Vabole group of the department of Visually Plastic Arts of Špoģi Music and Art school ‘Spring in the Glass’ will be presented.

Glass is a wonderful material! In ancient times talented masters drew household sketches or compositions of flowers on


Culture news 649

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