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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

Easter atmosphere in Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre

Easter waiting time is a moment when people spend time with their families, friends, and loved ones. Many have their own traditions of making this holiday time unforgettable – tidy up their homes, paint eggs in bright colours and bake a sweet Easter cake according to their grandmother's recipe, as well as go see the decorated city.


City news 823
88 % of residents of Daugavpils support the city's candidacy for the title of the European Capital of Culture

The absolute majority or 88 % of respondents support Daugavpils' candidacy for the title “European Capital of Culture 2027”, and almost half of the population is ready to actively participate – as volunteers in the events, implement their ideas and participate in the organization of events. This is evidenced by the survey of culture consumption in Daugavpils conducted in February 2021 by the Latvian Academy of Culture and think tank “Culturelab”.


Culture news 730
Trondheim Science Centre, Norwegian cooperation partner, to share experiences on the role of innovation and science centres in the learning process

Daugavpils University in cooperation with Daugavpils Innovation Centre and Daugavpils City Council has started further education training for teachers “Informal Further Education Program in Competence-Based Approach for STEM Specialists”. Through the training, pedagogues will acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) and entrepreneurship education and teaching methodology, which nowadays has become the basis for sustainable development. The training is ensured by the academic and scientific staff of Daugavpils University.


Education news 1691
Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with Daugavpils University starts STEM training for teachers

On March 13, 2021, a series of STEM training sessions for teachers will start, which is being implemented under the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 program “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres” program project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils City”, No. NFI/IC/VIAA/2020/4, Agreement No. No.9.-


Education news 1392
Mark Rothko Art Centre looks forward to receiving visitors in person

On March 10, the acceptance of applications for participation in the Latgale region artists' competition exhibition “Legalized Fantasies”, which was originally planned to open at the Mark Rothko Art Centre on April 16, ends. However, the pandemic has not abated and the Art Centre is still closed to visitors – exhibitions are still in question. Nevertheless, the staff of the Art Centre hopes that it will soon be possible to receive at least individual visitors in person, and is currently making every effort to expand the exhibition areas.


Culture news 1516
Daugavpils tourism offer will be promoted at the international tourism matchmaking “ITB Berlin NOW”

From March 9 to 12, Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency, represented by Vitālijs Petkuns, Senior Customer Service Specialist at Daugavpils Fortress Culture and Information Centre, Viktors Andruškevičs, Senior Visitor`s Centre Specialist at Šmakovka Museum, and Karolina Dedele, Consultant at Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre, in cooperation with Aivars Baranovskis, a representative of the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, and Vladislavs Ivanovs, a representative of the Daugavpils Regional Studies and Art Museum, will participate in one of this year's most important international tourism matchmaking events “ITB Berlin NOW”. It will bring together representatives of the tourism industry from different countries, journalists and travel bloggers who are looking for new and undiscovered travel destinations.


City news 948
Daugavpils and Krāslava create a new joint tourism product

Daugavpils City Municipality Tourism Development and Information Agency and Krāslava District Council Tourism Information Centre, despite the global challenges related to COVID-19, are actively preparing for the new tourist season.


City news 981
Daugavpils will have a new tourism product

At the meeting of the Development Committee, the members of the City Council considered the issue of new binding regulations – Binding regulations on the use of specialized tourist vehicles in Daugavpils determine the procedure for registering such vehicles, approving routes and ensuring control over the technical condition of vehicles.


City news 830
Art takes to the streets


Culture news 1883
A study of Fortress garden to be carried out to develop restoration project

Daugavpils City Council submitted a project application to the State Cultural Capital Foundation competition to attract co-financing for the architectural and artistic inventory and cultural and historical study of the Fortress garden in Daugavpils. Funding for the research is planned in the municipal budget, so, despite the results of the competition, research work will be carried out this year. A garden restoration project will be developed on the basis of the scientific inventory and study. It is planned to attract European Union funds for the restoration.


City news 821
International Mark Rothko Competition of Young Performers of Modern Music

In March this year, an unprecedented competition for young musicians will take place in Daugavpils – the 1st International Mark Rothko Competition of Young Performers of Modern Music, in which children and youth under 19 years of age will take part.


Culture news 1464
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre welcomes exhibition proposals

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre has designed an application form that enables individual artists, artist groups or curators to submit their exhibition proposals for potential display on the centre’s premises.


Culture news 881
Information for active winter recreation lovers

This year, nature pampers lovers of winter activities: a thick blanket of snow has been covering hills, fields and forests for almost three weeks. According to weather forecasts, there are many refreshing days ahead, when winter tiredness can be dispelled by enjoying active recreation in the fresh air. In Daugavpils, this can be done both by sliding down the hills in all districts of the city, and by visiting specially installed sports facilities. All epidemiological safety requirements must be observed during recreation activities!


City news 1717
Daugavpils to submit 6 objects for the competition ''The Best Building of the Year in Latvia''

Last year was very productive for Daugavpils in the field of construction and development. Several projects have been completed, rebuilt buildings and new buildings have been put into operation, and large areas in various districts of the city have been visually transformed. The work done allows Daugavpils not only to participate in the prestigious competition "The Best Building of the Year in Latvia", which has been organized for more than 20 years, but also to nominate six objects in different nominations.


City news 1602
III International Contest  for Young Singers of Christmas Songs

On 7-11 January 2021, the III International Contest for Young Singers of Christmas Songs took place in Daugavpils. Around 2000 young people from 15 countries competed for the victory: USA, Bulgaria, Belarus, Georgia, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Ukraine.


Culture news 1069
One of the most active TICs in Latvia - Daugavpils Tourist Information Centr

2020 was difficult particularly for the tourism industry, both in Latvia and abroad, due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the imposed restrictions. However, local tourism developed during the summer season. Residents of Latvia travelled all over the country, including Daugavpils, discovering unusual landscapes and pearls of culture and history, giving preference to walking trails, setting interesting destinations for recreation, and gaining positive emotions.


City news 886
Daugavpils Innovation Centre undergoes innovative changes, which will promote education, business and career development in the field of STEM


Based on the agreement concluded in the summer between Daugavpils City Council and the State Education Development Agency on the implementation of the project “Development of Innovation Centre in Daugavpils City” within the European Economic Area and Norway financial instruments 2014-2021 programme “Research and Education” activity “Innovation Centres”, Daugavpils City Council has started work on the project implementation.


City news 990

Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with the Anykščiai district municipality administration launches new cross-border project implementation within Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania programme 2014.-2020. The grant contract for project Nr. LLI-472 “Joint Management of Urban Wetland Areas in border region Latvia-Lithuania” was signed with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia on October - 5th, 2020. In the frame of the project two urban areas wetlands will be managed – pond in the territory of Latgale Zoo in Daugavpils (Latvia) and Green pond in Anykščiai (Lithuania).


City news 1196
Overcoming uncertainty at the Rothko Centre – the new season in six exhibitions

On Friday 6 November Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is launching the new exhibition season with six art projects that can be seen as attempts to overcome the uncertainty of this peculiar time.


Culture news 984
ANNUAL CARD of the Rothko Centre – unlimited access to art, inspiration and discovery throughout the year!

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre launches a new service – an opportunity to purchases an annual admission ticket in the form of ANNUAL CARD. The card can be bought for private use or as a gift to colleagues, family or friends. It gives unlimited access to all permanent and temporary exhibitions available at the centre throughout one calendar year.


Culture news 981

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