On January 3, a second free tour for potential remigrants took place in Daugavpils Fortress. The organized excursions were attended by potential remigrants and their families from the United Kingdom, as well as the United States of America and Australia. But the average time spent abroad is 13 years.
Turn of the year has brought to different cultural spaces in Latvia and to the Lithuanian city of Panevėžys several exhibitions of selected artwork from the art collection of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.
The first free tour for potential remigrants
On December 27, the first free tour for potential remigrants took place. Thank you to those who have already participated and recall that by January 2, you can still apply for the next two tours by sending your application forms to remigracija@daugavpils.lv
Series of theoretical trainings about planning and implementing sustainable revitalisation of brownfields and study trips for exchange of experience within the frameworks of Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 project No. LLI- 386 „Trans-form” have finished.
Specialists in fields of spatial planning and construction, property management, as well as
“At Christmas, all roads lead home.” Marjorie Holmes
If you live abroad and visit your family, relatives or friends in Daugavpils during the winter holidays, Daugavpils City Council invites you to take free guided tours on:
Daugavpils City Preschool Educational Institution No. 27 “Mana Mārīte” (Head of the institution Nataļja Isate), together with Linköping University (Sweden), Motala Municipality (Sweden), Municipality of Casalgrande (Italy), Municipality of Scandiano (Italy), Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology CARDET (Cyprus), as well as the SERN network, within the framework of EU Erasmus+ Programme, are implementing the project "Developing innovative learning contexts in the pre-school ourdoor spaces" DEHORS. The aim of the project is to develop innovative learning area models based on feedback from experts in various fields, approbate them, and improve preschool teachers' skills and abilities for outdoor activities.
This year on November 14th-15th Daugavpils City Council as the Lead Partner of DeCoDe project hosted partners from seven countries: Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Romania, Italy, Denmark and Spain. This was the last meeting of the project. The project is implemented within the framework of the second strand "Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation" action 2.2 “Networks of Towns” of the European Union programme "Europe for Citizens". The project aims to create an international, sustainable network of European cities to share their experiences on depopulation processes and their impacts, and to find solutions to reduce depopulation.
Active tourist season in Daugavpils is over
The active tourist season, the time when Daugavpils was visited by the largest number of guests, and tourist services and activities were in a greatest demand is over. According to information compiled by the Daugavpils Tourist Information Centre (Daugavpils TIC) in 2019, the active tourist season can be considered as successful, as the summer was quite dynamic and the number of visitors increased. The total flow of visitors to Daugavpils tourist attractions, culture and recreational establishments increased compared with the previous year. Daugavpils was visited by 344 378 visitors from May, 1st to September, 30th, which is 21% more than in the same period of 2018.
At 4 p.m. on 22 November a solo exhibition by Belarussian painter Leonid Schemelev will open at the Rothko Centre. The exhibition is organised in cooperation with Mikhail Savicki Art Gallery.
Leonid Schemelev is People’s Artist of Belarus (1983), Merited Artist of Belarus (1973), Laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR (1982), Laureate of the Union State Prize in
On November 14th-15th Daugavpils City Council as Lead Partner of the project DeCoDe will host an international partners and representatives from eight countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Romania, Denmark, Spain, England, Portugal. It will be the final meeting of the project. DeCoDe project is implemented within the framework of the 2nd strand "Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation" action 2.2 “Networks of Towns” of the European Union programme "Europe for Citizens". The project aims to create an international, sustainable network of European cities to share their experiences on depopulation processes and their impacts, and to find solutions to reduce depopulation.
At 4 p.m. on Friday 15 November, opening of eight new art projects will mark the launch of November’s exhibition season at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.
Starting from 1st of November, Daugavpils Fortress Culture & Information Centre will have the following working hours:
The fifth and final network’s meeting within the framework of the "Local Solidarity - Global Solidarity Network" (SOLID) project took place from 9 to 11 October in Brussels (Belgium), bringing together cities, regions and civil society groups from 12 countries , including representatives of Daugavpils City Council.
The Daugavpils City Council and its partners from Turkey (cities of Amasya and Suluov) continues to implement the project the project “Our Cities Pairing on Environment Issues”.
Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with Vanersborg municipality (Vänersborgs kommun) in Sweden (lead partner) implements project WIR within the framework of European Union Programme “Europe for Citizens”, 2nd activity “Democratic engagement and civic participation”. The project involves 10 partners from 7 countries – Sweden, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Finland and Latvia. Specific goal of the project is to understand the policies and strategy developed by the EU and the welcoming and integrating procedures implemented in the different member states, in order to eliminate stereotypes and misguided narratives about refugees.
At 4 p.m. on Friday 4 October at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, after a fortnight of intensive studio work, the 15th International Painting Symposium “Mark Rothko 2019” will close with the opening of a group exhibition by its participants. The event will be immediately followed by the opening of another exhibition – the one-man-show, “Compositions”, by artist Māris Uldriķis.
At 4 p.m. on 20 September at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, during the opening ceremony of the new exhibition season that celebrates Mark Rothko’s 116th birthday, ten international artists will be greeted to formally open the 15th International Painting Symposium “Mark Rothko 2019”.
In anticipation of Mark Rothko’s 116th birthday, at 4 p.m. on 20 September a new exhibition season, conceived as a tribute to painting, will be opened at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.