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Information has been updated at 19.10.2018, 15:54

Two more meetings of EU project WIR happened

Daugavpils City Council in cooperation with Vanersborg municipality (Vänersborgs kommun) in Sweden (lead partner) implements project WIR within the framework of  European Union Programme “Europe for Citizens”, 2nd activity “Democratic engagement and civic participation”. The project involves 10 partners from 7 countries – Sweden, Italy, Austria, Germany, Finland and Latvia. Specific goal of the project is to understand the policies and strategy developed by the EU and the welcoming and integrating procedures implemented in the different member states, in order to eliminate stereotypes and misguided narratives about refugees.


City news 955
5th International Textile Art Symposium in Daugavpils

From 6 till 16 November, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will once again host an international textile and fibre art symposium.
For the fifth time, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will welcome an international group of textile artists who will draw inspiration from the streets of Daugavpils Fortress, its courtyards, architecture and people to create new artwork which will be publicly exhibited in a group show of symposium participants at the end of a two-week period of intensive creative work.


Culture news 756
Photo Exhibition “Daugavpils. Music”

In the frame of the 7th Music and Arts Festival “Daugavpils ReStArt 2018”, photo studio “Ezerzeme – F” will offer all locals and city guests a photo exhibition “Daugavpils. Music”, which will be available at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.


As we listen to music, we conjure up different scenes in our imagination. Music is a


Culture news 837
V International East Baltic Business Forum in Daugavpils

Program of the Forum.


City news 1158
Rothko Centre will celebrate Mark Rothko’s 115th anniversary

On Friday 21 September at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, the 115th anniversary of the world-renowned Daugavpils-born artist Mark Rothko will be celebrated with a concert of an Italian duet, a creative workshop for children, a press conference and the opening of eight new exhibitions.


Anniversary celebrations at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will


City news 796
EUCIDIN offered a series of conferences in Valencia on the topic of the integration of immigrants and refugees

A series of international conferences on the integration of immigrants and refugees was held in Valencia under the project "Digital Strategy for the Cities of the European Union for the Integration of Immigrants" (EUCIDIN for its acronym in Spanish), with the participation of 9 partners from 5 different countries: Latvia, Romania, Greece, Spain and Italy.


City news 989
Painting symposium “Mark Rothko 2018”

International painting symposium “Mark Rothko”, which has become a fine tradition, will run 8 through 21 September at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, this year – under the topic “Painting our future together”.


The medium of painting continues to draw the attention of artists, art aficionados and collectors all over the


Culture news 728
A Video Created Within the Framework of the Project “Challenges of Regional Centres: Depopulation Control, Development – best practices” (DeCoDe)

Daugavpils City Council, as the leading partner of the DeCoDe project, has created a video about the first meeting of the project that took place this May in Daugavpils. You can watch it here:


City news 897
Apply for Physical Activity - Gymnastics Group Classes!

In order to improve the health of the inhabitants, there are free of charge physical activity - gymnastics group classes organized, which are lead by certified physiotherapists – Zenta Piscova, Natālija Poļakova, Andris Trifanovs and Jeļena Buiko.

The classes are organized in the afternoon and evening groups. Target audience is the inhabitants who are more than 54 years old and


City news 799
Daugavpils on the verge of an international ceramic art symposium

At 4 p.m. on Friday 20 July, opening of an exhibition of artwork by participants of this year’s International Ceramic Art Symposium “Ceramic Laboratory” at the Rothko Centre will mark the beginning of the symposium’s sixth iteration.



Latvia continues to celebrate ceramics. The 2nd


Culture news 825
20 000 Euro Prize Money Paid out to Artists

On 6 July, awards ceremony and opening of the juried exhibition “Martinsons Award” marked the end of the 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale. The biennale was part of the Latvian centenary programme and was organised with a view to developing contemporary ceramics as a discipline, promoting cooperation among the Baltic states and commemorating the artistic legacy of Pēteris


Culture news 724
Artwork by more than 200 artists at the Rothko Centre’s new exhibition season

At 4 p.m. on Friday 6 July, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will launch its new exhibition season with three new exhibitions, featuring more than 200 artists.

Summer has come with sweltering heat and sunshine. In a similar vein, the the halls of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will soon be ablaze with artistic outputs from more than 200 artists of regional, national and


Culture news 758
V International East Baltic Business Forum in Daugavpils

Daugavpils City Council invites to V International East Baltic Business Forum that will take place from 20th – 21st September, 2018 in Daugavpils.

Daugavpils has many different traditions and one of them is Daugavpils Business Forum. The aim of the Forum this year is to enable cooperation between Latvian and foreign companies by


City news 689
Ceramics exhibitions from the three Baltic states in Rīga

At 4 p.m. on Monday 2 July, at Railway History Museum, 2a Uzvaras Boulevard, Rīga, the opening of three exhibitions of contemporary ceramics from the three Baltic states will mark the beginning of the 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale, which is organised within the framework of the Latvian centenary programme.

Opening of the 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale will have


Culture news 621
Daugavpils Fortress received a high recognition from the Council of Europe

Once every two years, the European Council holds the Landscape Award competition, which rewards the best regenerated landscapes. This time the main award of the Council of Europe was awarded to the Daugavpils Fortress, winning a national selection among 8 applicants and candidates from 39 countries that have signed the European Landscape Convention. Under heavy competition, Daugavpils Fortress


City news 719
2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale

On 2-6 July, to underline the importance of ceramic art in the Baltic region, the 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale will offer a range of events in Rīga, Sigulda, Ogre, Daugavpils, Rēzekne and Lūznava, for the first time ever extending into Lithuania via the town of Panevėžys.

The 2nd Latvia International Ceramics Biennale, which will run within the framework of Latvian


Culture news 690
Fourth Art Night in Daugavpils

At 10 p.m. through 2 a.m. on Friday 8 June, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will organise its fourth Art Night, this time with the motto “Woman in Art”.

By established tradition, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre invites the public to come into Daugavpils Fortress in early June. Visitors are encouraged to let themselves be shrouded in darkness and get lost in the vast


Culture news 613
The first meeting of the project “Challenges of Regional Centres: Depopulation Control, Development – best practices” (DeCoDe) was held in Daugavpils

This year on May 23-24 Daugavpils City Council as the Lead Partner of DeCoDe project hosted partners from seven countries: Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Romania, Italy, Denmark and Spain. This was the first meeting of the project. The project is implemented within the framework of the 2nd strand "Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation" action 2.2 “Networks of Towns”


City news 1061
The first meeting of the project “Challenges of Regional Centres: Depopulation Control, Development – best practices” (DeCoDe) to be held in Daugavpils

This year on May 23-24 Daugavpils City Council as the Lead Partner of DeCoDe project will host the meeting for partners from seven countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Romania, Italy, Denmark and Spain. This will be the first meeting of the project. The project is implemented within the framework of the 2nd strand "Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation" action 2.2


City news 870
7th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium in Daugavpils

From 25 May to 8 June 2018, the 7th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will bring together ten graphic artists from Poland, Portugal, Greece, the United Kingdom, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and even Brazil.

The seventh iteration of the International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium is once again organised by Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre in


Culture news 635

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