“Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context”, BALTIPLAST, Nr. #C021
Project name: |
“Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context” BALTIPLAST / nr.#C021 |
Financed by: |
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 Programme, Priority 3: Climate-neutral societies |
Project's webpage | ||
Lead partner: |
1. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | |
Partners: |
Associated Organisations |
Project implementation period: |
01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025 (36 month) |
Project's aim: |
The project BALTIPLAST aims at prevention and reduction of plastic waste in the Baltic Sea Region, focusing on single use plastic reduction, improvements in plastic packaging and innovative collection and treatment systems at the municipality level, through a diverse and consolidated consortium with partners in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, along with the Union of Baltic Cities Sustainable Cities Commission, based in Finland. The project's main objective is to identify, test and deploy concrete solutions to handle and reduce the flow of plastic waste to the Baltic Sea, under the lenses of a circular economy. It will do so by establishing a consortium with the main some of the key actors in the plastic waste value chain, namely local authorities, universities and research institutions, associations and NGOs, as well as SMEs and large enterprises in the participating countries, that operate in the waste management field. |
Project's objectives: |
· To support municipalities in their efforts to develop and implement strategic and legal frameworks for plastic prevention and reduction
· To provide practical tools for public entities and business for reducing single-use plastic and plastic packing in a short period of time · To provide technical solutions for harmonization of the different categories of plastic waste processing, separation and recycling targeting municipalities and regional waste operators · To test and disseminate technical solutions for the use of alternative materials based packaging systems, targeting innovative SMEs · To provide guidance for consumers across the Baltic Sea Region to reduce single plastic use and plastic packaging |
Project's activities and results: |
Contacts: |
Press releases: |
3. EVENT FOR 6TH – 7TH GRADE PUPILS OF DAUGAVPILS SCHOOLS WITHIN ESDW 2023 4. esdw.eu information about BALTIPLAST activity within European Sustainable Development Week 2023 5. DAUGAVPILS STUDENTS TAKE PART IN EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK 2023 8. BALTIPLAST PROJECT CONTINUES ACTIVITIES IN SCHOOLS 9. interreg-baltic.eu information about BALTIPLAST activities in Daugavpils schools |
Video created by AADSO Ltd. on waste management at Cinīši landfill: |
Project events: |
1. Project's kick-off meeting in Riga, February 2023 2. On 21.04.2023. BALTIPLAST participated in the "Environment Day 2023" event in Daugavpils. Students and teachers were invited to fill in a questionnaire and test their knowledge about waste sorting. 132 questionnaires were filled in during the event and the results have now been compiled and emailed to the participants. No one answered all the questions correctly. The 8 participants with the lowest number of incorrect answers were rewarded by Daugavpils City Municipality. Waste sorting is important for successful waste management. That is why the BALTIPLAST project will implement various activities for both proper waste sorting and responsible use of resources. 3. On 26.04.2023. representatives of Kaunas University of Technology came to Daugavpils to visit the municipal waste landfill "Cinīši", meet with representatives of "AADSO" Ltd, Municipal Utility Department, Development Department and Daugavpils University to discuss and share their experience. This year, Kaunas University of Technology, in cooperation with Daugavpils University and AADSO Ltd, will carry out a morphological analysis of the waste going to the "Cinīši" landfill. 4. Project's second international meeting in Vasteras, Sweden in May, 2023 5. Daugavpils City Municipality Development Department in cooperation with the Education Department, Ltd. “AADSO”, as well as Latgale Zoo on 20.09. organized an event within the ESDW 2023 students from grades 6-7
6. Project BALTIPLAST participated in the results event of Erasmus+ KA2 Collaborative Partnership project "GIFT(ED)" (No 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000029739) on 10th October, 2023. One of the project partners is MIKC Daugavpils School of Design and Art "Saules skola", who organized this event. The project "Gift(ED)" worked in the field of upcycling or reuse of materials, including plastics. The project resulted in the development of a training course for the Erasmus+ platform "Gift(ED)". 7. CERV programme's financed project "European Cooperation Against Climate Change" COGREENEU aims to involve citizens and communities in debates and actions related to our climate and environment by creating spaces for transnational activities, workshops and events where ideas and decisions on environmental sustainability can be put into practice. On 23rd-24th October, 2023 project's international event took place in Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas (Lithuania). Representatives of Daugavpils city municipality, coordinators of BALTIPLAST project in Daugavpils participated with workshop "Civic participation, with focus on youth involvement, in sustainable development - municipality perspective", organizing also activities connected with plastc waste. During the workshop BALTIPLAST project was also presented to the audiance. 8. On 24th November, 2023, municipal employees had the opportunity to participate in a seminar on waste sorting and management in Daugavpils municipality, as well as in the entire Latgale region. 9. Participation in Educational conference “Opportunities for developing sustainable thinking” on 28.11.2023., that was organized by MIKC Daugavpils School of Design and Art "Saules skola" within Erasmus+ KA2 Collaborative Partnership project "GIFT(ED)" (No 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000029739). During the event, the BALTIPLAST project was presented and discussions took place on the activities planned in the project. 10. BaltiPlast project expert on 14.12.2023. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Centra Secondary School, class 11a. 11. BaltiPlast project expert on 17.01.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Zinātņu Secondary School, class 11. 12. BaltiPlast project expert on 24.01.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Valstspilsētas Secondary School, class 11. 13. On 5th February, 2024 a seminar on waste management was organised for heads and deputy heads of educational institutions. The participants were informed about the latest developments in waste management in the world, country and in our city, as well as discussion was held about waste sorting in schools. 14. On 09.02.2024 the association "Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia" visited the 10th class of Daugavpils Zinātņu Secondary School and introduced the BALTIPLAST Plastic Inventory and Reduction Tool to the students, who started piloting it. 15. BaltiPlast project expert on 12.02.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Sventes Secondary School, class 10. 16. BaltiPlast project expert on 22.02.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Vienibas Primary School, class 8. 17. The launch event of the Back to School/Back to University 2024 campaign took place on 1st March in Daugavpils, bringing together more than 200 students and nearly 20 expert lesson leaders. Students study several subjects at the same time, while we adults most often focus on one area in our daily work. Listening to students' questions, explaining, engaging and motivating, building a bridge of experience between the school and each expert's field of expertise - this was the experts' task on 1st March and throughout the campaign. Olga Tolmačova participated in the event as an expert and took this opportunity to present the BALTIPLAST project to participants. 18. On 18.03.2024 the association "Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia" visited the 8th class of Daugavpils Vienības Primary School and introduced the BALTIPLAST Plastic Inventory and Reduction Tool to the students, who started piloting it. 19. BaltiPlast project expert on 26.03.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Stropu primary school - development centre, grades 7, 8 and 9. 20. On 27.03.2024 students of 10th grade of Daugavpils Science Secondary School together with their teacher Oksana Dimitrijeva finished the pilot action of the plastic inventory and reduction tool developed within the BALTIPLAST project, which was implemented within the BALTIPLAST project in cooperation with the association "Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia" as well as the Daugavpils City Municipality. 21. BaltiPlast project expert on 27.03.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Iespēju secondary school, grade 8. 22. BaltiPlast project expert on 03.04.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils State Polish Gymnasium, grade 4. 23. Europe Direct South Latgale Centre traditionally organised the Environment Days event, which this year took place regionally from 24th to 26th of April 2024, where environmental experts were invited to visit educational institutions, to visit young people, teachers and other interested parties to lead classes at Aglona, Ilūkste, Krāslava, Špoģi, Dagda and Daugavpils primary and secondary schools. All together 30 different events took place. Representatives of the Daugavpils City Government also participated in this event, leading a session on "The impact of an inclusive and sustainable lifestyle on the environment" for young people from the Daugavpils Friendly Appeal Secondary School. During the lesson, the students also learned about two of the municipality's international environmental projects - Baltiplast and Re-Gen. 24. On 21.05.2024 students of 8th grade of Daugavpils Vienības Primary School together with their teacher Oksana Ostrovska finished the pilot action of the plastic inventory and reduction tool developed within the BALTIPLAST project, which was implemented within the BALTIPLAST project in cooperation with the association "Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia" as well as the Daugavpils City Municipality. 25. Daugavpils City Municipality organised the international reception of the BALTIPLAST project and hosted the project representatives in Daugavpils on 21.05.-23.05.2024. 26. BaltiPlast project expert on 27.05.2024. gave an interactive lesson on waste sorting, plastic waste and its impact on the environment at Daugavpils Centra Secondary School, grade 10. 27. The universities involved in the project with the support of the associations have developed a tool to reduce plastic waste. The tool is aimed at several target groups - municipalities, businesses, schools and households. This year the project is running various pilot actions to test the tool, with the aim of improving it and then offering it to the general public as a way to look at their own plastic consumption habits and find solutions to reduce the amount of plastic waste they generate. The Development Department, the Urban Planning and Construction Department, the Education Department, as well as several Daugavpils municipal companies - JSC "Daugavpils Siltumtīkli", Ltd. "Daugavpils ūdens", Ltd. "Daugavpils satiksme" and Ltd. "Daugavpils dzīvokļu un komunālās saimimniecības uzņēmums" took part in the piloting campaign. Departments and companies had the opportunity to find out how much plastic waste is generated in their offices and to assess possible behavioral changes with a help of BALTIPLAST expert. During the summer, staff from participating departments and companies had the opportunity to take part in a workshop on the use of plastics in everyday life, sorting and changing habits. (10.07.2024.; 14.08.2024.; 21.08.2024.) It was moderated by Andrejs Zaičenko, BALTIPLAST project expert in the field of plastic pollution reduction in the context of science and education, as well as Edgars Šatilovs, education specialist at Ltd. “AADSO”. It was a great opportunity to look at the topic of waste globally and to ask practical questions about waste sorting in Daugavpils. 28. BALTIPLAST project manager on 23.10.2024. participated in the seminar "Circular economy and efficient waste management. Challenges and opportunities", organized within LIFE project "Waste To Resources IP". 1 29. Within the BALTIPLAST project, Daugavpils municipality staff heard the experience of the "Depozīts" Ltd, a company contracted by Valmiera municipality (BALTIPLAST project partner) to provide a full-cycle service for reusing and washing dishes at public events. The possibilities for the municipality to introduce the re-use of utensils at events were discussed. 12.11.2024. |